2015 Spring/Summer Pipeline
Both cuts in both colours?
Workshirts including the pockets and buttons?
EEK! That wasn't quite what I had in mind. Guess the yellow color I was thinking of was more of a mustard-ish yellow, rather than this level of eye blinding yellow.
I agree with the other posters, seeing the return of the Cookie Monster would be dope!
We are making solid flannels this Autumn (Fall, for you heathens :-X). The Two colours are planned to be maroon/burgundy and charcoal. We will make these and these
I think I maybe want maroon with snaps and charcoal with buttons.
Either way, just in time for my journey to the land of perpetual rain.
I'm with you man, those combos are gonna be fucking glorious. These and the olive herringbone are, imo, the most exciting releases since the 87.
Check Harakis blog. Some sick tees yesterday.
http://shin3155.blog54.fc2.com/blog-entry-2946.html?sp -
Yeah those thicker borders look way less like a mime or a sailor to me.
I dont know why everyone hates on branding. I love the patch on the pocket T's
Yep, love that label.