Looking great in the bibs as always @henry_david
While I, unlike my wife, like how I look in the bibs, simple fact is wearing them makes me happy, and while I tend to personally love the tight knit handfeel of the 25oz, the 21oz still surprises with it's pajama like softness (if your pajamas are 21oz, obviously)
I have told my wife SO may times how much softer the 21oz or 25oz feels after so many wears. But still, every single time she touches it she is amazed at how rough it feels. Whatcha gonna do.
P.S. I love my 21oz, but I don't think I'd ever put myself through the torture of breaking in 21oz in my sleep.
I'm just getting ready to turn in for the night lmao
Fades looking sick af and I dig that belt dude. Imma be lounging in mine tonight while watching some teev.
Have a nice time pal
Haha, I suppose I deserved that @ARNC
Who knows, maybe once in a antique silver goblet-fueled stupor you'll wake the next morning to find a shipping confirmation, qty 1 rocking pair of bibsThat hasn’t happened to me yet, but who knows
Maybe we need a new category of “lay brothers” or something for guys who appreciate what the brothers are doing but haven’t (yet?) committed and taken their vows?
Welcome to the Brotherhood, novitiate ( @ARNC ). You're welcome even as you consider donning the garb of the Brotherhood.
I love the natty belt @Filthy and the fades are a-mah-zing!
I have my bibs hung up for now, as they are only 12oz and that is no match for the sub freezing temps here in Maryland lately. I do look forward to wearing them with just a pair of Birkenstocks and an old cut up t shirt this summer.
Thanks. I love the belt too. I was worried about the large buckle and it being uncomfortable but it is very comfortable and keeps my pants up well because it is so wide b
The truth is that I have some issues with how I look (I always pick more form-fitting clothes for fear that I'll look fat) and the bibs aren't exactly a tailored look
I SO feel ya on this. Dunno about you, but people fucking with me as a chubby kid did a goddamn number on my self perception — gotta love childhood! ::)
That said, obv you have nothing to worry about. Also, I've been inching away pretty aggressively from the tight-ass stuff of the oughts / skinny jeans era. I think form-fit stuff is nice, but it's good for it to have some drape — I'm really into very straight leg jeans these days, think it definitely works on tall/skinny guys. As for a baggier shirt, I say there's nothing wrong with that loose-fit Madchester look, personally
So anyway, I ramble, but the TLDR version is that I think the bibs look fucking rad, and that the 21oz is indeed the best IH denim.
I SO feel ya on this. Dunno about you, but people fucking with me as a chubby kid did a goddamn number on my self perception — gotta love childhood! ::)
Former chubby kids unite, @popvulture!
…and yes the 21oz is magic (as is everything IH does). I get endlessly ribbed by my denimhead buds about only buying IH but DGAF.
I mean, it's kinda far superior to everything else, if we're being honest? I feel like that's obvious.
I do like a couple other brands just fine: Mister Freedom (great fits), PBJ (rad but often too skinny / low rise for my taste), RMC, Ooe…
But the IH denim just feels the best, zero question. Whenever I go back to it after wearing some other stuff for a stint, I'm like "ahhhhhhh."
I love RMC for all non-denim and have always wanted to get into PBJ but … too slim for me. I only hear rave reviews from others. I keep skipping out on Ooe cause I'm so used to 21oz and anything else feels like paper. But S&S is just across the Bay Bridge from me and I have no excuse.
Haha yeah dude you should hit up S&S for sure! God, I spend enough money there already remotely — I can't imagine how bad it'd be if I could actually go to the store…
But yeah, PBJ is cool but it's definitely so slim. I have a pair the kakishibu slim straights from Okayama Denim and they're super cool, but I don't wear them a ton — they're "straight" but are really some of the skinniest jeans I own. Overall though I'd say I'm not crazy about slubby denim, but PBJ do it the best as far as I'm concerned.
Just to push this back on-thread (I tend to derail) I think 21oz indigo/black tonal bibs would be beyond sick.
Haha yeah dude you should hit up S&S for sure! God, I spend enough money there already remotely — I can't imagine how bad it'd be if I could actually go to the store…
Ugh don't I know it. They're rad ppl, too.
I second your thoughts on that new kinda of bib…
While it would take some after-the-fact apologies to Morgan, Indigo/Black bibs would be rad for sure.
Never thought id say that but man thanks to this thread, i definitely need a bib !! Everybody's looking ace !
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While it would take some after-the-fact apologies to Morgan, Indigo/Black bibs would be rad for sure.
Broh indigo/black bibs would be the CRUCIALLY EXCELLENT