Recent Purchases
Cool, thanks for the info
Green & red in blue bag goodness.
Nice purchases, you will no doubt love the wallet.
Thanks, seeing your blue beaut helped nudge me off the fence.
Always happy to help others spend their money!
never mind
Great Japanese bound book of full color plates of Hiroshige's famous woodblock prints of Edo. English commentary too.
Very nice! How much did you pay for it?
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Very nice! How much did you pay for it?
Sorry man, I just saw this. Here it is, it's a steal:
It was out of stock for a long time, looks like it may be in stock now. I ordered it and had to wait months. It is bound in the traditional Japanese way and looks much more expensive than it is.
Very nice! How much did you pay for it?
Sorry man, I just saw this. Here it is, it's a steal:
Aha I recognise the book now! Cheers bro much appreciated!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes! Those are fantastic D666
Great purchase D666