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elclintor, i might have to come down from my current weight class just to challenge you
hippopatamus nice tee, why no IH natural belt?? just saying you obviously have good taste.
i kid, i kid
hippopatamus nice tee, why no IH natural belt?? just saying you obviously have good taste.
i kid, i kid
NF natural belt for my current project with NDH . thanks
@Jimmy: Boy does it help when you have an emergency
haha yeah it is actually quite faster, what you do it when you are wearing it, untuck it from the loop,
then just pull side bar on the bottom you see then move it up and the whole unfastens itself.If that doesn't make sense I'll maybe make a video of it
Just bought this
2 pound protein powder get my workout on!
Great stuff. This is by far the best protein-shake I´ve ever drunk.
Only one sad thing. In the US it costs 29,99$ or something.
Here it costs 45-50€.Thats not cool..