DWCxUHR - Denim World Championship Ultra Heavy Raws…
The simple answer is no. If we did, we would.
Every time we make a new cut out of a new denim we have to sample it, only then do we know with any degree of accuracy how the cut/denim will behave.
After that we have to tweak the cut to further refine it.
The added complication of course is that the humidity in the mill that makes the denim and the factory that does the sewing changes how the denim behaves.
So, once we have the jeans here, we will measure them accurately, do a shrink test on one or two sizes to determine anticipated shrinkage and publish the dats.
The further further complication is that in broad strokes, Americans get more shrinkage out of a particular denim than Europeans who in turn get more shrinkage than Japanese.
EDIT. I have re read your post with a German (Sascha from V&S). I think I understand more what you are asking.
Although these are limited to 125. I will make extra (same cut but different patch), so I have room for manoeuvre (swapping around sizes) when they are delivered. We'll swap the patches if we need to. This is what we did for the IHxBxHCx25oz
Well now that's interesting. Any ideas why there are different degrees of shrinkage based on geography?
Couldn't it just be as simple as water temperature in the machines? Drying habits and temp too maybe.
I have to admit I'm jealous of the temp and spin settings on the nonUS machines I've seen.
The spin on mine is high, higher and peel the fucker off with a spatula.
Mine actually has a jean setting on it. Can't say I have ever used it but nice to know it's there.
I have to admit I'm jealous of the temp and spin settings on the nonUS machines I've seen.
The spin on mine is high, higher and peel the fucker off with a spatula.
Same. Surprisingly, even after peeling it off, I've never had weird lines or anything. I honestly laugh when people say take it out before the spin cycle. That's 90% of what my machine does…
So how warm / breathable is this denim?
From everything I've read it's not very breathable.
I've got the 634S-B and the grey weft loomstate 633S from SelfEdge.
I can wear those most of the year here, aside from the Texas summers.
But if this denim is much less breathable than the other IH pairs I already have I might have to skip out. -
It is way less breathable as the 21 oz. Though I personally already find these too warm in the summer. So it depends on your Preference.