The Evolution of Iron Heart
Damn, so good @Alex_24
For as short of a time that you've had that jacket @Alex_24 –your doing a helluva good job on it!
@spitfiredealer did you fall into a cement mixer or wood chipper? :o
@spitfiredealer on his commute to work
@Filthy laying these yorkstone slabs is what does it. Have to rest them on my legs a lot to get them in place.
Jesus they look super heavy ???
Yeah man they are brutal. Some of them take 3 of us to lay
@spitfiredealer You sir are a beast!!! That is an excellent job on the jeans.
How much do one of those stones weigh?
Honestly not a clue. It’s more the awkwardness of the dam things which makes it so hard. Some are like 13cm thick.
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I dropped off My 634 DD with Rain at Indigo Proof for her wall and had to take some pictures of them next to @adam313 634sII (I think that’s the cut? Adam removes his patches so it’s hard to tell [emoji848])
Both of these pairs have been beat to hell and thoroughly repaired by Rain. So it’s cool that they will have a spot on the wall at her new shop.
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@Brock holy shit