The Evolution of Iron Heart
How much do one of those stones weigh?
Honestly not a clue. It’s more the awkwardness of the dam things which makes it so hard. Some are like 13cm thick.
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I dropped off My 634 DD with Rain at Indigo Proof for her wall and had to take some pictures of them next to @adam313 634sII (I think that’s the cut? Adam removes his patches so it’s hard to tell [emoji848])
Both of these pairs have been beat to hell and thoroughly repaired by Rain. So it’s cool that they will have a spot on the wall at her new shop.
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@Brock holy shit
My overallls have the craziest wear pattern on the crotch
both 888's. on the left are fresh shinyaka 21oz, on the right a bleached pair of overdye 21oz
@Nkwkfld any chance you could elaborate on the bleaching process? They look mental
@Nkwkfld any chance you could elaborate on the bleaching process? They look mental
They had some stains from grass and bike grease, so I put them in the washing machine on hot and poured in a bit of bleach, that was it
@Nkwkfld - I quite fancy the bleached look. They remind me of old vintage Levis 505s I used to search for at a dusty old vintage denim shop outside of Waco, TX.
Yeah, I am impressed with the results. The tracks and ropes really pop.
I wouldn't do it to mine, but given the staining it was a perfect opportunity for you to try it out and they came out uniform, which would be my biggest fear. Good stuff @Nkwkfld !
Thanks @Appfaff and @mclaincausey happen to be wearing them now
yeah, those looks brilliant @Nkwkfld
Gave the Wabby CPO another wash
Goodness gracious @spitfiredealer ???
Wabby goals if ive ever seen em -
Even ironman's human some days..
lookin great @louisbosco
thanks mate