IH-101J - 1946 101J Riders Jacket
I know it won't happen, but I think it would look great in SBG. I sold on the 101 superblack because it was too black, but am loving how my 526-SBG is looking now I'm wearing it more.
- 2 months later
We will do one. i'm just umming and ahhing about which denim to use…..
18oz Vintage seems like the logical choice, but something tells me the 142 denim would be awesome in this cut. 21oz would work nicely too. Also I second the hand pockets for sure.
We will do one. i'm just umming and ahhing about which denim to use…..
18oz Vintage seems like the logical choice, but something tells me the 142 denim would be awesome in this cut. 21oz would work nicely too. Also I second the hand pockets for sure.
18oz vintage-
Sweet! Hand pockets?
- 2 months later
Here are a ton of photos of my 101J. I have not worn it since last spring. Was thinking about selling it on here, but after taking these photos for that purpose, I fell back in love with it. The reason I considered trying to sell it is because even though I can button it up, it looks silly with my Grinch belly.