@Graeme major bummer.
I always say "major bummer" when things are sad because the expression makes me laugh, ever since I had a friend from England tell me it means something entirely different over there.
When I am not working I avoid this place as much as I can. I don't need the temptation.
The construction and materials of the shirt are excellent. I am particularly impressed by the fabric. I could have gotten away with a size XL but this will definitely shrink and will be perfect for layering. Probably too warm for summer.
Indigofera gets an A+/good buy from me. Also Poncho and Lefty ships very fast… no bs.
Pre-soak measurements, size 2xl
PTP 26.5
Shoulder 21.5
Waist 26
Bottom opening 27
Sleeve length 28
Sleeve openings 5Soaking in boiling water… hopefully I get a bunch of shrinkage.
Shirt looks great @Filthy! I've always been a big fan of Indigofera, unfortunately it's been one of the rare brands that doesn't quite fit me (too big).
Yeah I was pleasantly surprised. Truth be told the shoulders were a little unruly… it looked like I was wearing shoulder pads. But it seems I got about a half an inch of shrink. So this should pull the shoulders in slightly. I was gonna throw it in the dryer. But there's a ton of indigo bleed and I know this will get streaky because the indigo is so dark.
This was the water in the pot during the soak. -
I hot machine washed my shirt (on gentle and no spin) and put it in the dryer. I got a an inch of shrink pit to pit and lots of great puckering and roping.
Here is a sneak peek of the shirt I was talking about in the Random Question thread. Many thanks to Fredrik from Indigofera for trying to help me find one. It only took 4 tries to finally cop one…
That's rad. Though I generally prefer how IH does it, I've mentioned that IH should try a flannel with the quarter-turned placket, it's a great vintage look, especially when the orientation matches a turned yoke and pockets as most IH Westerns have.
I just liked it because of the colors. It's supposed to match the color scheme from a 70s Datsun advertisement. You wouldn't believe how much trouble I went to find one.
Available here for those interested:
@Filthy what size did you get? We wear the same size in Iron Heart shirts I think…
@Palmer 2xl. But good luck finding one. Pretty sure I got the very last one on Earth.
See this discussion
Edit. *snip -
@filthy Dang. I see that Standard and Strange still says they have an XXL which I why I was asking.
@Palmer I can guarantee that they do not because the one email is from them. Sorry.
Oh I must have missed that. Probably a good thing for me since it will be 90-100 degrees here in the day for the next few months. That isn't stopping me from considering that size 38 888HXSib in the buy sell trade area of the forum.
Enjoy that beautiful shirt!
@Palmer despite being an XL I can confirm that the PTP on an XL is the exact same size as a 3xl in IH . They are 62 cm pit to pit and 61 cm at the waist… but the shirt will shrink 1 cm wish a cold wash they said