IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
Hello to everyone,
I wear a IHxB01OD IHxB01 and a size 31 length 32 ….
what size and how long should I take to get 77cm waist?
thank you -
merci giles
Nice pick up Brooks, a pair of 666 is definitely on my agenda, I want to drop a few pounds first though to avoid "muffin top"
My fav cut
put up your picks Brooks.
Mega, u won't get muffin top if you size right, this is coming from a man who gets muffin top even if i am wearing a potato sack or up sized 634s
Stupendous !
Great colour combos there Nizzle.
Nizzel's might be the favorite 21oz fades I've seen.
These are 18th . . . . aren't they