IH-666Sod - Devil's Fit Overdyed - Super Slim Tapered
Xpost from the Danner footwear thread. Shitty iPhone pic, but you get it…
Trying to rotate out of the heavyweight Devils.
Dear God!!! Don't say that, my wife just gave me the ok on getting a pair!!!
So Matt, what size did you decide to get? I think I'm the same size as you and wanted to hear what you're going with.
I'm waiting until the restock and it's going to be a gametime decision. I know a 36 would fit everywhere from the thigh down, but the 34 would stretch to the appropriate waist. Maybe I should by 2 pair and Frankenstein them…
I'll probably try to get some measurements and go for a super overshrunk 36 in hopes that it won't stretch past 35. On the other hand, I guess a big 34 could do the same thing, we'll have to see what happens when they come in. I think a 33.5 waist would get me to where i want to go.
Trying to get a beauty shot of these lol. They're finally I think - starting to break through and fade a bit.
Thanks rocket
I'm in the working of the back side of it so I'll post it when I'm able to!