What's your favorite Beer?
@Seul I see you just made a trade?? Very green… very nice. My favorite treehouse. Tastes like juicy fruit gum.
Had sampling at my brothers house. Some TH, Vanish, Sapwood Cellars.
Saw this at a local liquor store and decided to roll the dice,as I’ve liked everything else I’ve been able to get by them. It was $16 for the 4 pack of 12OZ cans,and while it’s good,not great,I definitely wouldn’t buy it again for that price. Being an Imperial Stout it clocks in at 14% alcohol,and the alcohol taste is apparent on the back end.
That’s steep. I’m used to paying $16-18 for 16oz 4 pks
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It was definitely expensive,as I usually pay about $9 for 12OZ 4 pack of BrewDog beer. I hate feeling like I fell for it.
Yeah, it’s a bummer when you pay extra for beer, especially when there’s hype, and it ends up being disappointing. That’s happened to me a few times and it sucks
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It was definitely expensive,as I usually pay about $9 for 12OZ 4 pack of BrewDog beer. I hate feeling like I fell for it.
You’ll always pay more for impy stouts. And more again for stronger ones.
Brew Dog were specatacular when they started. As they branched out they became consistently good but continued growth seems to have inversely affected quality. Now they are consistently below par with the occasional decent brew.
I still tend to pick up singles if they make a style I know I like but usually wish I hadn’t bothered. The barley wine with coffee a few posts back should have been great but was only ok.