What's your favorite Beer?
That looks/sounds like it would be perfect for a beer float.
I’ve never tried that. Any good?
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Don’t forget the malt powder, even better if you can get some straight from the brewery. That was my favorite at Avery Brewing in Boulder. We would use the Uncle Jacob’s Stout for a fabulous after service reward!
That Grand Cru sounds insane. How was it?
I rather enjoyed it. It was quite complex. Unlike anything I've had before. For barrel aged, it was not boozy, at all. The maple was only a hint. Barley wine is unfamiliar territory for me. So, to that I cannot give an educated opinion. I only bought the single can, but I would buy it again.
The two middle ones look delicious
The two middle ones look delicious
Pic #2 is To Øl Secret Santa. A brown ale with espresso, brown sugar and lactose. 8% ABV. Lighter and crisper than it sounds and very tasty.
Pic #3 is Northern Monk Pete’s Dark Past. Also 8%ABV (give or take, I’m doing this from memory). Stout with caramel, biscuit and sugar. Also lighter than you’d imagine. Not quite as successful as the To Øl but decent nonetheless.