What's your favorite Beer?
Look - it's a beer they serve at my local… It's excellent if you sit out at 25 C°... But it's absolute shite otherwise.. So yeah: I poured it in the sink and am now having a Kriek Boon... And after the first sip I was talking to myself about how brilliant it is living here in Belgium... This Kriek Boon costs under 1 €/ bottle... No added sugar or sweeteners... Pure Lambic greatness... 25 % old and fresh cherries... Expiry date is 2017... Mmmmmmmmm...
Over here we get Leffe, Vedette, Hoegaarden and Stella from Belgium in our Supermarkets
Went to this yesterday:
Really good fun, good beer, sun shine and food.
I drank the last one in my fridge a few days ago; it really is excellent.
I kinda like that one.
You do?.. I mean: it's not bad ey… But I expected it to be less sweet... Can you recommend me a more sour Faro, C?.. Not too sour though (keep in mind I find the Petrus Aged pale too sour)...
Ok so apéritive:
Pretty good, creamy, not too heavy beer (7.6°)… Apparently made by Chimay for Mont des Cats... They were gonna be the new AUTHENTIC TRIPLE PRODUCT but haven't heard from that... No ATP logo on the bottle... Still, worth it if you can try it... Too low in alcie % (not enough body) to stand out though...
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's great, but it's not terrible. It is very sweet, you're right about that. Gotta be in the right mood to drink it, like when you're looking for dessert
Can't recommend a better one, sorry. That's the only one I've found around here.
May have a couple for you to try soon- Nevada had different beer distributors, do I've got a dozen or so bottles of things I haven't seen in Texas, including some interesting looking Belgian ones.
I like my life sweet and my beer bitter. Or sour. That said, I can handle certain dry fruit lambics.
Seul, Faro is brewed with candy sugar and wild yeast, it's a very interesting beer and really great about once a year. Good after a rich meal for desert. It's the ice wine of the beer world. I'm currently drinking a canned Belgian style Tripel that's brewed in Wichita, KS. Surprisingly delishious.
(I love when she wants to drive the big truck.)
Yeah I know it has candy sugar, but the Lindemans also has artificial sweeteners added… So I'm hoping there's a less sweet Faro out there... Gonna try the Cantillon Faro for starters... It is a really nice drink on itself though... Excellent for warmer weather...
PS: that motherfucking Rolex... And Lori... There is no drink in your pic...