What's your favorite Beer?
Does he offer a Seul-esque import service? ???
I'm happy to report that I still have a shelf full of festive glories to go through…... probably won't be able to say that by Sunday
Hang in there - going to Geers next week…
I'm good for another few weeks dude, thanks to my father in law I have the European Chimay Blue reserves to drink my way through still.
So, I used the christmas days to do some reading about and drinking beer.
So far, I've learned that I have a completely different approach to beer as the people around me, as I come from appreciating whisky and well made other spirits. (I don't like the mass-produced Pilsener beers and don't drink beer to get drunk or quench my thirst.)
The ones I really loved were the red beer and red bock from my local Hausbrauerei Altstadthof in Nuremberg, the Ratsherren Red Beer & Pale Ale and some Wine Ale I fogot the name of. And I will try to get some Trapiste Rochefort and Rogue Dead Man this weekend. I got a long way to go, but enjoy the journey. -
Ah yes, my bad. Haven't bought it yet, so forgive my typo
Speaking of weird names, wasn't there an arrogant bastard ale of another brewery too?
Yep. Stone Brewing, one of the best. Though I don't like the Bastard much. Their Ruination Ale is outstanding.