What's your favorite Beer?
Lervig’s OG 3 Bean Stout was a collab if I remember correctly.
Edit: yours seems to be a version made in collaboration with Warpigs…
I've been trying their stuff for years… But have only started coming across them again recently... Their cellar series is almost 100% legit awesome...
If they have the Taanilinn cognac BA (collab with To Ol): buy 50. Or snap a pic of what your store has on offer and ask me which to buy... Seriously, I'm a nerd, I like that kind of shit...
We now have 3 monopoly stores in my town and the biggest became a specialist beer store in December. The variety has exploded. There must be nearly 10 times as many beers to choose from including about 25m of shelving dedicated to stouts and porters. I’ve been meaning to go in and document it for you. Friday is pay day so I’ll be going mental then.