Random Rants
Fuck you Microsoft, Fuck you !!!!!!!!
Fuck you Microsoft, Fuck you !!!!!!!!
A-fucking-men. So much of my life spent in apoplexy waiting on my work PC (would never run Windows is I didn't have to).
Ever since Hotmail became Outlook I am unable to access my emails for roughly 75% of the day
Smart to wear that shirt. I will keep you cozy, and being red, won't show the blood stains as much
People who don't refill coffee in an office or similar setting after finishing it should be disemboweled with a rusty spoon. Not one, but TWO empty carafes separating me from wakeful non-ripping-your-head-off-ness.
Smart to wear that shirt. I will keep you cozy, and being red, won't show the blood stains as much
no blood stains sir…just a numb cheek and tongue
sooooo hungry though
fucking hate this shit!
Sent from iPhone 4GS using Tapatalk!
At least you see your dentist regularly. I used to have acid reflux and it ate up my teeth. When I finally manned up and went to see one, it took two years and thousands of dollars (after coverage from TWO dental insurance coverages) to unfuck my teeth
^ i hate it, but shit's got to get done, so there's no other choice actually!
every 6months the dentist calls me to remind me to come over for a quick checkup, so thats pretty cool here!
the bills you guys have to pay for the dentist is just insane btw. …today's cost were like 20€ for filling a tiny hole in one of my teeth! next week another 20€ and I'm good to go again! -
Anyway, in answer to your question, no one uses Hotmail because those assholes at Microsoft made us all switch to Outlook. That's the fucking rant