Random Rants
The first time: PayPal!!!
Piss on today.
def. going to do that…
just picked up the oldtrustypeugeot up from the MOT check!
feared i´d need new breaks. well fuck the breaks, they´re still "ok"…
need new track rod ends (left and right), new ball joints (left and right), new feather impacts (left and right) and a new copling rod...fml! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah -
For the amount of money you've sunk into the shite wagon you could have put in an offer for G's AMG
Or grab a motorcycle… Good gas mileage, easy transportation and they look cool to boot!
… They do make wagons that hitch to the bike. Definetly negates the cool factor though IMO
… They do make wagons that hitch to the bike. Definetly negates the cool factor though IMO
Rafa after a Gosport shopping day.
Holy hell!!! There you go raf! PERFECT!
thanks mega… I needed that laugh today... I've had a bad case if grump-itis.
… They do make wagons that hitch to the bike. Definetly negates the cool factor though IMO
Rafa after a Gosport shopping day.
shit Gav, this one´s priceless and it really cracked me up
thanks for the laugh buddy…btw. that´s the only way i get over all of this mess. just smile
even though that god damn motherf^cker eats up all of my IH money -
Jesus Christ Usps sucks… It takes almost a week and counting to receive a package sent from Florida to Missouri. To compare it takes a package two days to get from Gosport to Missouri. WTF. Ill never pay extra for USPS service again. Bunch of ballbags.
USPS Priority is really either awesome or complete shit. I like the one-rate boxes, but transit times especially lately are all over the place, and tracking is fuct. I had a shirt basically teleport from SENY to my place of work, as far as the tracking went.
Completely agree… My package has sat in Kansas City, KS for the last 3 days. I figured surely it would be delivered this morning and this must just be an electronic error. I have all my packages delivered to my business... So I head up to the shop and about 5 minutes after getting there I see our usual mail carrier as she drives right by. I go out to check if she maybe missed something... Nope. Two things to this I don't understand.
- normally all east coast packages come through Columbia, MO to sedalia, MO (at least for me) why ship it nearly 200 miles further than its destination?
- why, for the love of God, has that package been sitting in KC for 3 days??
... Truthfully I know why, Anything associated with or ran by the United States Government is garbage, but I'm venting. There is so much inconsistency with these morons it infuriates me to the point of seeing red.
Deep breaths , ohmmmmmmm
This morning my tracking indicates my package has shipped to Columbia Missouri now…. Which means the mail truck would have to have driven through sedalia (where i live) and Completely by passed the post office here on the way. Never again.
I don't see what the fucking problem is with USPS. My local post office is great. I just sent a priority package to Summerhays and it arrived in 2 days, just like every other priority package I send. As for express, it's almost always 1 business day. Your IH stuff comes quickly from Gosport because Giles' pays for it through UPS. It's not cheap.
As I stated, the problem is I HAVE BEEN WAITING OVER A WEEK FOR A PRIORITY PACKAGE FROM FLORIDA THAT'S BEING BOUNCED AROUND MY STATE. That's not a great experience as far as I'm concerned and I will never consider it satisfactory.
I'm glad your usps is great however just because your experiences are always "perfect" doesn't mean everyone's is… In fact, I have a business and have problems more often than I don't with them which is why I have such an issue. It's not just a one time thing its nearly every single time I have to use them things get screwed up. Furthermore, I clearly understand the difference in the two shipping systems and prefer UPS and use it whenever I can.