Random Rants
It's cool… Thanks though guys... It's always been thet way with heavy rain so I've got the pumps to handle it but it's a real pain in the ass that I'd just rather not HAVE to deal with. Nothing really ruined and the rain has stopped so all is well. Just boots get the dehumidifier running now and things will be all sorted out.
Gonna be a long day on two hours sleep though. Doh!
Skiing in ohio, not anything worth it. We go to Colorado my friend, a lot! Crested butte to be exact, gnarliest mountain in Colorado
Elk mountains. On the other side of that mountain is owl ranch, which is where hunter s Thompson lived and killed himself. Oh, and a long hair me back in the day. figured i better post a pic, since some people think I'm a fake and liar, cough cough …woodsman..... Cough
Is that a patagonia jacket you were wearing?
If so, you should pair it up with your Rou shirt and try to score chicks by telling them that you just rescues some baby kittens from an orphanage fire or something
I love Crusty Butt. Nice llil hippy town amidst uncanny beauty. The butte itself is imposing. I've some dear friends that split time between there and New Orleans. And Costa Rica.
In 3 weeks I'm moving here, and not moving again for a long long time!!! I hate moving! At least its not from one state to another this time, those are worst.
That's a random rant I think, right??
Beautiful, this is where I need to be right now.
figured i better post a pic, since some people think I'm a fake and liar, cough cough …woodsman..... Cough
Def not you I put on the ignore list. I think you're hilarious and fairly entertaining to read.
No, Rafa, but I might unfollow you on Instagram because it makes me mad that you can eat so much food yet still lose weight.