Random Rants
Yes. Also working on the IHSH-07bk page too. Loads to do before flying off on Fri…..
Hickory Stripes OD?
Edit: Thanks Seul. It is the black stripe version of the IHSH-07.
i keep getting logged out of this mug lately. no matter what setting i have it on, i constantly have to log back in.
i don't rant very well, but i am greatly miffed by this.
Seul is too retiring to post this rant:
I personally back this and am considering donating to the cause . . .
ok, so here is a little something that has me a tad bit excited. so today after class i hoped onto our local metro (BART) and headed in to Self Edge for a couple of hours of calm before the storm that i knew would happen tonight/this morning. Ginno was the only person working and for the most part not too much happened, although this one guy came in and ginno sold him on some 9461's (which interestingly enough are not on their webstore…?) anyways, so while he was dealing with that customer i went upstairs to try a couple things on and knowing that SE was out of XL's in the dark rider i decided to try on the large.
IT FIT LIKE A DREAM! jeezzzzus, i was trippin out like WHOA O____o whats going on here?? haha. anyways, i suppose that my recent 'hey lets do more exercise than normal' is having an effect on my body. haha. damn, shirt was awesomely warm.
uhhh, ok, yeah. story is over. thanks for reading.
deadendpro, i'm not sure how to break this to you & this might cause another rant. . . . those darkrider shirts are sized kind of crazy. they are a bit more, er ah genorous in girth as opposed to other ih shirts
**hate to be the bearer of this kind of news, but it is better that you find this out here among family