Random Rants
I had a crazy IH-related dream last night.. I dreamt I was visiting the Works in Hachioji and Giles was there as well. We drank some beers and had loads of fun, and my wife bought a pair of jeans. Haraki-san was overdyeing some canvas sneakers out in the parking lot (can't remember which make but they were supercool
) in a barrell :). The best part of the dream was that I got to try on the IHSH-46 (red) and it turned out that G had put the wrong measurements on the site and it fit perfectly! I was so happy until I woke up and realised it was just a dream. And hence this rant..
I didn't actually know it bothered me THIS much..
my rant of the day int he form of a question.
why can't ups deliver at set times or give you an estimate on when they will be coming. i had a really good driver for a little while that made sure he came by after a certain time cause no one is home. this new guy comes one time on monday & differet time on tuesday & so on. . . even though i have told him if he doesn't come after XX:XX o'clock no one is home.
feckin' idiot
rants i don't expect a response. i'm just getting some heat off my chest & letting off some steam.
announcments i usually would like a response, at least when i am in a lucid state (i know i'm not lucid too often but still)
Announcements = Positive, Rants = Negative
No fecking way.
An announcement is just that.
Example. "I am going to Spain this weekend"
A rant is when you are pissed off about something and need to get it off you chest.
Example. "Why when we are going to have the sunniest weekend all year in the UK am I going to fecking spain where it is pissing down with rain?"
unsolicited response to said rant by Lord G:
you bring the rain where ever you go. it keeps you on the forum entertaining the rowdy bunch & you been kind of slowing down as of late. i feel bad for the MADame, she deserves a proper weekend
so I'm driving on the highway Friday afternoon in my very bland but reliable 2007 pathfinder and it starts to shake a bit. A few seconds later I change lanes and it sounded like an explosion and then it felt like the front axle broke in half; scared the ever loving shit out of me. I pulled over, got a tow, spoke to the service guy at Nissan and he says he is surprised I'm still alive because the u-joint snapped, broke the drive shaft which hit the floor of the car and apparently ripped the bottom of the car completely off and destroyed the whole belly of the car.
Now, a rep from Nissan is going to the dealership Monday to take a look because they don't think this has ever happened before and they are going to decide if this should be covered under warranty. If not, I'm looking at a minimum of 5k just in parts. I have a feeling my asshole is going to be violated royally by Nissan on Monday…
Jesus Baron! Lucky you are okay. I was once driving around a large roundabout and the rear drive wheel sheared off and i was doing 360's around the roundabout and slammed up against the kerb. I'd had a drink, I was 18. This cop turns up. I'm thinking "o shit great now this is where i lose my licence bit". I throw my head in my hands he goes "son you been drinking?" I shake my head no, he goes Hmm, turns to see my rear wheel rolling a hundred meters down the road "let me get you a tow truck" Good luck on monday.