IH-666-DD Indigo/Indigo 16.5oz Duck Slim Fit Jean
Good deal. Had some Loombreakers that would stretch out way too much so had to shift then. Thinking of snagging the 666-D but the 38 will be too big, so wondering if I can make the 36 work.
Thanks for your input guys!
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order past!
I already have the 816DD and I really like the canvas and the way it aged!
After purchase immediately soaked to get rid of the "glossy" surface… then almost immediately washed twice manually with a brush, to get rid of excess paint on the INNER SIDE (hips and knees were blue!) ...
After a month of everyday wear jeans acquired an unexpected Softness (albeit relative, but indisputable!!)….
along with the original super-rigidity disappeared and "rumble", which they made originally ….In the end, I am Very Pleased with Them!
This "beast" is (by its nature) not only "evil," but also "flexible", too ...
It is unlikely that I will ever be buying another canvas pants, judging by the first month of Dating, these 666-DD will be not only my "first and last", but my "favorite" jeans canvas!
Indigo/Indigo - in this particular performance - it's amazing!
Worn at work 5(sometimes 6) days a week for almost 4 months. My right rear pocket got snagged on something at work. It just so happend that I use that pocket for my gloves. Because of that the rip has slowly been getting out of control. Soon they will be headed to Railcar for a needed repair.
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@732fraziea Your jeans look epic great fades so far
Thanks, they are getting there slowly but surely!
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They're looking great @lazyoldsun. Don't worry about the hole, that is an easy fix.
These jeans really look attractive!
This little hole is already patched.
I wasn't upset, I was just surprised!
Very nice indeed.
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