The Real McCoys
New Jacket day Nelson
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Ha! I just got one of those, too — you and I have a lot of crossover
Looks great on you, man. What do you think of it? I love mine.
Ha! I just got one of those, too — you and I have a lot of crossover
Looks great on you, man. What do you think of it? I love mine.
Really ! Crazy I’m loving it … and thanks can’t wait to wear the hell out of it lol
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Yeah man I’ve been wearing mine around the house during the day in the AC so I can get a little action starting to happen with it. Really psyched to see how it breaks in, and dreaming of cooler weather!
Yeah man I’ve been wearing mine around the house during the day in the AC so I can get a little action starting to happen with it. Really psyched to see how it breaks in, and dreaming of cooler weather!
Same lol post up a pic when ya get a second
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So I swapped these 001XX for a size 32 and am beyond glad I did, what a perfect fit these are. The raw measurements were a little closer to 34" in the waist like RMC London's chart, vs S&S's at 33". They fit great raw so I was a little concerned about shrinkage, so I cold soaked — turns out that didn't really do anything at all, so I went ahead and gave em a hot soak. Some shrink, but also minimal, just tightened up everywhere they needed to (mostly top block). They're super comfortable and I'm stoked to wear em a lot. It should be noted that a lot of conversation online in various forums chalks up some of the ridiculous RMC shrink figures to a hot soak AND a trip through the dryer. EDIT looks like I already mentioned that back in the initial post about these, but I think definitely worth restating for anyone looking to buy a pair of RMCs.
Also pictured: Nelson, FW Cassady shirt
Solid fit @popvulture and I dig the jacket (yours too @theorocks )–if I were to buy a leather jacket anytime soon it would be that style, single-breasted and sort of cafe racerish in the body but with lapels. It takes some of the motorcycle-ness out of it.
Long been an admirer of the Cassady shirt. The namesake is such an interesting figure who lived a remarkable life and they did a great tribute to him with that shirt.
Gorgeous fit, @popvulture
Diggin' tf outta the jacket, too.
@henry_david thanks so much man!!! Yeah the jacket is really killer, can't wait to get some character on it. I've got a Perfecto that I love, but I wanted another leather jacket for a little more toned down option.
[mention]popvulture [/mention] Excellent fits all around jacket looks smashing too !
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Breaking in nicelySent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
lolol digging deep in the archives for that article, @popvulture
I love classic Onion (my fave of all time:
I wish I were a leather jacket person, but I don't think that I am (or at least my wife tells me that I'm not :'().
@theorocks, on the other hand, is most decidedly a leather jacket person. I like those button cuffs more than an elasticized cuff. I missed that detail on @popvulture's jacket, but I see that you both have the same EPIC jacket. Looking good.
[mention]henry_david [/mention] Thanks ! Agreed [mention]Maclainsy [/mention] I don’t ride so I’m more comfortably in this style although I love D pockets and cafe racers and as well with engineer boots I get the questions about my bike lol I will never ride
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Ha! People ask me why I wear Iron Heart and a sterling silver motorcycle chain if I don't ride. I always tell them because IH is high qual and that's it.
@mclaincausey missed your post earlier — thanks man! And yeah I feel like the non-motorcycleiness of it is kinda what I was going for, really feel like sometimes I don't wanna roll into a place looking like a Ramone (but then again, sometimes I do). And the Cassady shirt is for sure a great one — I've owned several and highly recommend em.
And @henry_david hahaha hell yes, that is fucking amazing… also is that TYONDAI BRAXTON FROM BATTLES?. I think The Onion is pulling some mega meta shit with that one.
@theorocks see, yours is really starting to get there! I need those arm wrinkles, man! I'd better up my at-home air-conditioned wearing habits, stat.
Hey–you are an avid cyclist @henry_david , not for nuthin the chain helps there. Though in my chain wallet days I wore it irrespective of biking.
I did used to rock the old Ramones style double breasted Harley jacket and you make a valid point about how dope those are @popvulture I can't help but feel a little poseurish if I'm too motorcycly. Like tattoos, I admire motorcycles from afar. Commitment issues keep me from one, and my wife from both.
@theorocks You're looking the part (f'n rockstar!!!)
@theorocks You're looking the part (f'n rockstar!!!)
[mention]goosehd [/mention] Thanks! Wish I had the income lol [emoji13]
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I’m a huge fan of the old Abercrombie/
Omersa animals and want to someday order an animal ottoman, but until then this little guy from The Real Mccoys will suffice. Hand made, Shinki horsehide, and def heirloom quality. I bought it to give it to Amelia but I might keep it for myself
Hey guys, I just got a new Cooper Horsehide jacket - looks awesome, but feels pretty snug on my chest over a t-shirt and UHF (normal winter bike riding top)
Can I expect this to loosen or break-in a bit over time or is HH too stubborn?
Any help would be much appreciated