Guitars anyone???
Main amps/pedals/pedalboard…
@theorocks this is my Pete Cornish equipment… the single pedals are on two separate boards now:
an input board and one for time efx and compressor etc, which I can use on its own or in the S/R of the
large pedalboard.Heavily pimped Godin RG-3 Passion
Last photo is badass
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I have an RE-201 and an RE-101.
Great… the RE-101 I saw. I have the RE-301...
@ilovesharinfoo missed this post over the weekend, awesome collection. That '64 Jazzmaster is to die for!
@theshigster cool…those THD cabs are great ..I love hiwatt too @ilovesharinfoo awesome collection …what the story on the red marshall head 50 watt ?
@theshigster cool…those THD cabs are great ..I love hiwatt too @ilovesharinfoo awesome collection …what the story on the red marshall head 50 watt ?
That Marshall is a JTM45 that I built about 7 years ago. Its running KT66s. I generally use it for overdriven bass tones.
^I don't play a guitar but I know great gear when I see it
I do and am still like… oh shit thats badass.
@theshigster cool…those THD cabs are great ..I love hiwatt too @ilovesharinfoo awesome collection …what the story on the red marshall head 50 watt ?
That Marshall is a JTM45 that I built about 7 years ago. Its running KT66s. I generally use it for overdriven bass tones.
Holy shit that is a clean build ….I wondered why you had it atop a bass cab cool I have a 100 watt plexi built by Rockitt Retro
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59 Tremolux Dr Carmen Ghia 100watt Rock it retro
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That Tremolux is a real beauty!! I've been wanting to grab a brownface Princeton for a long time now. It's crazy how much the prices have gone up in just a few years!
That Tremolux is a real beauty!! I've been wanting to grab a brownface Princeton for a long time now. It's crazy how much the prices have gone up in just a few years!
Yes it's getting expensive ….I remember tweed champs going for 500-600 bucks
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Shit. I’ve wanted a brown face Princeton for years, I borrowed one for a gig one time and I still have wet dreams about that tone. I haven’t priced them for quite a while. Back when I played it, I could have bought it for less than $700.
I remember years ago playing thru a brown super with a Klon (which I sold for what I payed for it) today I think Klon's go for like 1500 ! ….that sound still haunts me ...I should have gotten that brown super and they are expensive as hell today ...especially if close to original ...mostly I care about iron if that's original and speakers I usually,if im going to gig it, put something else in ...and save originals, if they come with it ....Lotto max in Canada is at 106 million this Friday maybe I get lucky lol I would visit Gosport and buy everything that I could fit into lol that would be fun
New Guitar Day
Suhweeeeeeeeeeet!!!! Congrats on the score!!!
I’m pretty stoked. This was totally a spontaneous purchase, I wasn’t in the market for a new guitar, but the deal was too good to pass up. First new guitar in 20 years!
Squier signed by oh no big deal the Fab Four from their Ed Sullivan Show debt.
Oh shit, that’s fake as hell. That’s a Squier strat, and Squier didn’t exist back then. Where did you see that?
Hm, I thought it was suspicious they'd have something like that in the office right across from a "Catch Me If You Can" poster signed by Frank Abagnale. Maybe he sold it to them
Damnit! Why would they make something like this?