IHT-1600-WHT - 11oz Cotton Knit Crew Neck Short Sleeved T-Shirt - White
The main reason why I was so stoked on the fact that temperature went down 10C°, was not the prospect of being able to sleep again, or no longer being a sweaty, exhausted mess at work, but it was getting to wear the 1600s again…
Seriously: these may be my fav IH pieces... Please make 'm in chocolate brown and olive drab, Haraki-san // G...
And Blue + Purple & Orange
The pictures of this shirt really don't do it justice. It's a slimmer fit and feels amazing.
No plans for a restock. If H decides to make again, we will pull them in, but we can't get enough interest from western retailers to initiate a run in any colour….
Sizing is under the "Sizing" tab. You idea of slim or otherwise may be different from ours, so please take a look at the measurements....
…but we can't get enough interest from western retailers to initiate a run in any colour....
I didn't manage to snag one of these tee's but I find it surprising that there's little interest from retailers, as I can imagine they're awesome to have on. Finger's crossed for a re-run!
Submit your vote, let's get them made again…..
Would vote for a black 1610