IHSI-09 - Silver Feather Pendant
Loving it …heavier then I thought it would be
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An Iron Heart day is a good day
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Also this thread needs more pic's
.. @theshigster post em
Also this thread needs more pic's [emoji1]
True story. You've made a good start. I love this thing. Love the size of it especially. Great purchase.
Also this thread needs more pic's
True story. You've made a good start. I love this thing. Love the size of tit especially. Great purchase.
Thanks …I usually I'm a necklace on stage only guy ...but I think this converted me to daily wearer ..
Sent from my SM-G903W using Tapatalk
Also this thread needs more pic's
.. @theshigster post em
@theorocks I'd love to, but I seem to have problems to post any pictures at all since a couple of days.
Not possible either from my mobile or any browser from the desktop… Weird !After 'Upload Images' I'm getting this after preview:
The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:The message body was left empty.
You need to have some text in the post as well as just the image. You also need to wait until the image code appears in the text box before you press "Post"
Thank you… That is understood, but the weird thing is, that the image code never shows after trying to upload an image.
I’m just trying it while I write this... I do press ‘Upload Images’, select a pic, the icon moves, then stops and nada... hhhmmm... -
Can you make the image smaller in size before trying to upload?
The image size was never an issue before when I did post pictures (mostly done with iPhone8)
up to the point when it didn't work anymore, which started to happen, when I asked
a while ago, if I could delete a post. Chris replied, only admins can. I believe he deleted that post.
Don't know if one thing has to do with the other…
Btw, pasting an Instagram url in the message field doesn't work as well. Weirdness... -
Loving it …heavier then I thought it would be
It's great, isn't it… I'm wearing it 24/7.
Q to people in the know: Is it a collab with Dear Blossom ?
Very nice…thanks for sharing! @theorocks
More creepy self portraits lmao …totally loving this ..but it's opened up Pandoras box into silver necklaces rings bracelets lol
Sent from my SM-G903W using Tapatalk
More creepy self portraits lmao …totally loving this ..but it's opened up Pandoras box
into silver necklaces rings bracelets lolYou know… this is asking for a 2nd feather. Just a question of time...
It did happen today. Thanks to @Jim @Kentaurus !
Sorry. Guess I’m a bad influence
Looks good. Is that a GA chain?