I'm in the middle of watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for the first time, and it's starting to get really good. Lots of character development and some good episodes here and there leading up to the 4th season, but it's starting to get really good now and I've heard it keeps getting better.
Related: Has anyone seen the most recent Start Trek series Strange New Worlds?
And not Star Trek at all, but Seth Mcfarlane's the Orville has no business being as good as it is. Hightly recommended.
I watched the first few eps and liked it a lot but didn’t persist. I think I was just a bit overloaded on ST from Discovery which hit a little boring for me. Picard on the other hand.
I still need to go back to the second season of Picard, for nostalgia reasons. But I struggled with the first two or so eps.
Still feel that I need to finish the journey.
We have been watching Expedition Unknown. My wife and somewhat surprisingly my daughter enjoy it. It’s about an Explorer’s Club member who digs into different historical events and goes treasure hunting. So, he’ll go to Cambodia looking for Khmer cultural artifacts or dive a shipwreck to recover coins or trek through the jungle looking for El Dorado…
Kind of like a real life Indiana Jones thing. Admittedly sensationalized but still educational.
@mclaincausey that sounds super interesting. How old is your daughter now?
@seawolf she is 4 in just a few days. This is by far the most mature content she enjoys. All about kids versions Spider-Man and stuff like that.
@Mizmazzle that one would have been a B wire to wire for me, but because of my long running obsession with Cosa Nostra, maybe an A- I made a T shirt in high school with this picture of Capone and below it “I liked the guy” (said about a guy he had whacked in a disavowal of the assassination):
@Mizmazzle So much good stuff to explore on HBO. Holy smokes. What a treasure trove.
How most of us probably feel a lot of the time, eh @Mizmazzle ?
@Mizmazzle I get compliments on my "jackets" all the time (33 and 62 in particular). Inside I'm always saying "it's just a shirt!" I guess people can't fathom wearing denim as anything other than a jacket, so from that perspective, it makes sense. And it always confuses me. Like, where did you grow up that you look at a relatively lightweight garment with snaps and say "that's a jacket."?
Anyway, I saw this guy earlier in the episode and they made fun of him for his vest a little. I related to Steve right away. Then this scene happened and I got my phone out to take some pics of the interaction because it cracked me up.