IRON HEART World Tour II 2011-2012 - Beatle Buster SBG
Beatle, i am so down to be in on this journey!!!!!!! be prepared to see a lot of berkeley, oakland and occasional..well, frequent trips to San Francisco. put me in please!
i would love to audition
**after all the sh!t i give the current World Tour participants it's only right i get a crack at it for a month.
oh & jacoavlu congratulations & piss off for that comment . . . unless you are really going to get the wifey in these
would that be a 1st for a World Tour?
don't think it's any votes on this Ron, it's just
the prototypefirst run -after being corrected a few lines downthat are being offered for this outing
come back Ron, we need you, plus i think you could do these.
come on give it a go. worse case they don't fit & you send them out to the next person in line after posting up your complaints
** i live in my own world as well
i think that the waist is going to take a severe hit when these go around to everybody. so i think it will totally be possible to be in on it Ron. just make sure that you dont get them right away. lol.