Over to you now @neph93
That was one of them:D
Here's the IH specific advice: doesn't suck either:, Rope Dye (used to be denimhunters) isn't a terrible place for info although quality varies somewhat.
I just soak them cause i like the blue ring in the bathtub and it pisses my wife off.
I just soak them cause i like the blue ring in the bathtub and it pisses my wife off.
Legend [emoji23]
This helps makes sense.
How to read measurements on denim what will shrink to measurements? Are they actually bigger when you buy them and with soaking they will shrink to to the size indicated?
Published measurements are as they come. Finished measurements are something of a crapshoot as it depends on a shitload of variables. Reputable retailers will be able to offer good advice (none better than IHUK) but temperature, type of machine, amount of agitation or spin will all play a role. As I understand one end of a roll of denim might behave differently to the other end. Go figure.
Soaking a few of my newer Iron Heart items. You can see my grandmother's heirloom hatchet handle stir stick for laundry in the photo. It's older than my mom. But we don't know how old it really is. This is great because you can agitate your clothes in scalding hot water and not burn your hands.
Did you know that you can shrink stuff more by soaking, letting dry and soaking again? This is the 3rd soak/dry/soak for the double ducks.