Lifter problems
Fuck all that, I'm got a MTB..
Adjusted for personal nuances
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MTB comes with stupid high potential for injury as well, so I really don’t have that much room to talk…
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MTB comes with stupid high potential for injury as well, so I really don’t have that much room to talk…
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I had to come to terms with certain activities being curtailed after the PCL tear. Skiing is out, football is out (at least anything more than a kickabout with my little ones at any rate). It’s not a major bummer as life is full of fun stuff That’s is PCL friendly.
Happily not only is weightlifting one of them, it is also the best medicene as it increases balance, stability and strength while the larger, denser muscle will also protect the knee from further damage.
I should add that 5x5 is a great program for someone getting started in lifting, like a teenager. However, even for a young lifter, I would recommend a more balanced program after a few months of 5x5. In my opinion, it wasn't sustainable.
I second this. I have ran 5x5 on two separate occasions and had injuries both times. As an older lifter, I highly stress proper warm up, the use of knee and elbow sleeves (SBD), and using proper technique. For squats I also recommend lifting shoes with a slight heel raise (Adidas Adipower). It puts my knee in a better position for the lift. Both of the times that I injured myself is because of poor lifting technique and lack of stability in the joints.
5x5 is great for building strength, but it amplified my technique issues and caused problems where I was borderline surgical. My issue is regarding bench press, and the supporting muscles. The technique issue is flaring my elbows which put extra stress on the shoulder joint (specifically right shoulder).
My last injury had me taking 5 months off, with lots of stretching and light shoulder rehab exercises.
I run a modified program now of 1 day of 5x5 (deadlift, bench, squat, row or OHP) and two days of exercises stressing the supporting muscles. On those two days I use lighter weights with 3 sets of 8-12 reps for all supporting muscles.
I've been running this for 6 months now with great results and little to no issues.
@goosehd thanks for your insights and that video. I'll study that some more.
My thinking is that the low weight level at the start and steady progression will be good for my shoulder. I'm hoping to build the supporting muscle, and loosed the cartilage that causes the instability over the next few weeks.
I'm in to week two now and staying faithful to the incremental additions. It feels like work, but not very hard work. It is giving me the time and chance to refine my form. Without wanting to boast I feel like my squat and deadlift form is pretty damn good. My OHP and row form has never been a cause for concern. I too find bench trickier, but the focus I'm allowed with low weights means I'm confident it will progress for a few weeks.
The key part of my thinking is the fact that 5x5 is low volume. I'm 99% sure it is volume that aggravates my shoulder injury, not intensity. For that reason, lots of high volume supporting exercises feels like a bad idea right now. As the weights increase I'll consider how far I can take 5x5 and make changes if needed. The main one will be moving to a dumbbell bench, as lifting with a neutral grip is more comfortable for the shoulder when I get onto the 40kg-50kg dumbbells.
I love neutral grip for bench press. I purchased this about 5 months ago and it's been great. I do my 5x5 workout with a straight bar and accessory lifts with the Kabuki Strength Cadillac Bar (pictured below). Also called Swiss Bar or Football Bar.
The different grips allow me to concentrate on Triceps, neutral bench or wide grip bench. I also find that it is great for OHP. Benching with this forces my elbows into the correct position during the entire lift. I then try to mimic the motion during straight bar bench.
I often do warm up with dumbbell bench which allows me to do a full range of motion. It sounds like you are on a great track and I wish you the best.
slight heel raise (Adidas Adipower). It puts my knee in a better position for the lift.
My gym has these wedges to achieve this if you don't have the shoes, they are also cheap to purchase if yours does not provide them
Just make sure you don’t wear just sneakers, you should use a flat hard sole, that’s the benefit of the powerlifting shoes like the Adipower. Once load gets heavy, the sole of a sneaker is not stable enough, and power transfer is way better with a hard sole. I still rotate my powerlifting shoes with my good ol chucks but squat with wider stance in these.
In regards to shoulder issues. I had surgery on my right shoulder and still after 11 years have issues with it if I am not careful. The best advice I could give you. Don’t force it. The shoulder is the most complex joint in your body. Proper warm up is a must and reserve some time (lots of time) for shoulder mobility and stability exercises. Proper form and technique should always be prioritized, especially once you are not in your twenties anymore. This really helped me to still be able to lift fairly heavy but I have to put my ego aside, which might be the most difficult thing…. I know these mobility and warm up exercises are not as sexy as benching two plates for reps but it will help you in the long run.
In addition to everything that has been said above, I have found various flavors of kinstretch / FRC extremely helpful for re-hab / prehab. For shoulders, Y hovers, swimmers, shoulder CARs, etc, have been very useful for me. I have also enjoyed the sand flail, which can be made as light as necessary and will take your shoulder through all its axes.
@Dmart I have the AdiPowers. Bought them four years ago along with a proper lifting belt and straps when I was consistently looking for better 1RM's on my squats and deadlifts.
I've done a lot of shoulder stability preps and shoulder warm ups and I honestly feel like they are doing more harm than good. If I practice form discipline on the bench and OHP and warm up with light weights then my shoulder does fine. I feel like the big moment will be when 5x5 becomes limiting and I need a more varied programme. The volume will increase and different movements will create more stress on the shoulder. But I'm months away from that yet.
On this topic, if you haven't already read it, I cannot recommend Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength book enough for proper form on the main lifts: bench, overhead press, squat, deadlift, cleans, etc. He goes into agonizing detail on the physics of the lift and why it should be done that way. I am obsessive about form and this is the only reference manual that I use:
MTB comes with stupid high potential for injury as well, so I really don’t have that much room to talk…
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I had to come to terms with certain activities being curtailed after the PCL tear. Skiing is out, football is out (at least anything more than a kickabout with my little ones at any rate). It’s not a major bummer as life is full of fun stuff That’s is PCL friendly.
Happily not only is weightlifting one of them, it is also the best medicene as it increases balance, stability and strength while the larger, denser muscle will also protect the knee from further damage.
It is absolutely true that there is no substitute for resistance training of some variety when it comes to taking care of your body. I have found a great relationship with kettlebells. Some people like free weights, seems like resistance bands are trending currently. Whatever let's you get it done and keeps you sticking with it is what is best IMO.