I have loads more in boxes just piled up on the floor…. I ran out of shelf space!
These are upcoming Neca releases shown at this weekend's Toyfair. I stole the images from So check them out if you're interested.
Thank you! I have a lot more. But I guess there's no need for pictures because nobody else is into toys.
does motorcycles count?
well i've been looking into getting medicom bearbricks but they're almost impossible to get for retail. i've only got some 50 or 70% pieces that my mate gave to me. nothing fancy though..
I've not seen those before so I looked them up. Those look pretty cool. They are going for quite a bit of money on ebay. Medicom made a couple Makai Tensho/Samurai Reincarnation figures I wanted to buy. But they go for a lot of money now.
yeah they have. medicom has gone so hyped now they are almost impossible to get at retail prices. i'm a huge iron man fan and they had the bearbrick mark42 iron man version. but they're close to $1000 for the 400% i think.. :o
when i was in bkk for the supposed denim carnival in october, one shop where the old take5 was had these stashed up..
Holy shit! Those are probably worth a fortune!
@Filthy25ozJunkie Those look great! post more! I've always loved stuff like that but i've never had the space for it. Went to this amazing store in Japan that had insanely detailed figures. With todays 3D printers it doesn't surprise me but still i spent hours in there… couldn't afford a thing
Do you have a favourite?
@Sam this one is my all-time favorite. He's truly sinister and evil looking. I had to crop a lot of him off so I didn't display any fascist symbols…
There were 2 of them and I added the bullet belt and machine gun to look like they were from this game… NSFW:
I can pm you a better picture but I don't want to piss anyone off here.
I sold off the majority of my Star Wars toy collection. I've always been super into toys, though. The majority of what I have left are lightsabers, blasters, and other life-size props. Many of them are in storage accross the country still after my international move 4 years ago.
Mad frustrated with the forum, lately.
Me too and I can only apologise, @The Web Minions and us are working on it - I promise