IHSH-170 - Indigo Dyed 10oz Check Selvedge Flannel Work Shirt
Got this one in yesterday. Freaking amazing! Glad I sized up. The fit is great and I won't be afraid to wash and dry it. Keep up the stellar work, stubborn crew.
I tend to favor workshirts, but this is one I might actually be delighted to get as a Western. Especially if we get any intel on wear/fade patterns of the indigo.Wear the hell outta these, lads !
@Giles when does your second shipment of these come in?
Also, great news on the western!
For anyone who missed these: Burg & Schild have sizes M-XXL in stock.
Thanks to Jason at SESF, I managed to get their last medium! I'm ecstatic to say the least.
Just copped a medium at SELA!
@Giles @Madame Buttonfly BAM!
Congrats Filthy! I'm picking mine up after work today, enjoy it!
Instant classic.
Is it crazy that I got the WS version but will probably get the western as well??? ???
Not at all.