SEXIH07IIIBK = Type III Modified Jacket (Long)
For those who have tried on both the Self Edge version of this and the regular Overdyed type III available, is the arm length really that noticeable? I've tried this one on and like the fit, but prefer the length of the traditional type III. Any other major differences?
this one was a self edge exclusive.
For those who have tried on both the Self Edge version of this and the regular Overdyed type III available, is the arm length really that noticeable? I've tried this one on and like the fit, but prefer the length of the traditional type III. Any other major differences?
the body length is the major difference between the SE modified type III and the regular OD (Giles) type III, along with the fact that the SE version has hand pockets.
you know there is an OG version of the self edge jacket which was traditional length, right? extinct, but occasionally can be found for sale…
see here: -
For those who have tried on both the Self Edge version of this and the regular Overdyed type III available, is the arm length really that noticeable? I've tried this one on and like the fit, but prefer the length of the traditional type III. Any other major differences?
Should just have been the length of the body that was different…..
cleaning out the camera, sorry for all the flicks, but it looks kind of light over here
anyone have a 46 that they are not wearing???
What's the reason this one is 575 and the OG is 490, for 2 inches is that worth almost 100 dollars. That's unreal. Just curious..
The original one came out a few years before the Long version. I assume it has to do with the rising cost of the materials used. G?
A million and one reasons. The 526 just gets made and made and made and made. No real tweaks to the pattern. When we do a run of anything, we tend to make a sample or samples which actually costs a lot because typically the best seamstresses work in the sampling department and it's a one off, they are experimenting etc etc. The costs of that development have to get amortised across the production run, if it's a small production run then each item has to bear more of the development cost. Overdyeing costs a lot, that is why overdyed stuff invariably costs more than it's undyed brother.
And believe it or not, the margins on some of the stuff are incredibly low. If Self Edge made the same margin out of all the IH stuff as he does out of the 526J and the 634S, you probably would not be able to buy Iron Heart in the US…
Because there have been a few questions surrounding the 3 similar yet different IH OD Type III's, I thought this might help with any confusion about what makes each different.
SExIH07BKIII [OG] - Modified/ Overdyed Type III w/ Pockets. Diesel Patch. SExIH Collab came out in 2009 with the SExIH07BK and Indigo Jeans. Unsanforized 19oz Selvedge - Garment Dyed w/ Black Fugitive Pigment Dye.
SExIH07BKIII [Long] - Modified/ Overdyed Type III w/ Pockets. Diesel Patch. Extra 2 inches in length. Came out in 2011 (I think). Unsanforized 19oz Selvedge - Garment Dyed w/ Black Fugitive Pigment Dye.
IH-526Jod - Regular Type III Overdyed. No Pockets. No special Patch. 21oz Selvedge Indigo given the OD Treatment.
Thanks to JeffU. Jacket is sic. Got complemented on it twice the first day i wore it
Couple pics from today. Figured this thread could use some love
Out for dinner with a close friend
This family moment brought to you by IHF…
Yeah, once Self Edge releases it, we'll go ahead and create a thread for it, same for the new jeans…