IH-888S-21 - 21oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Indigo
Everything is fulfilled from IHUK so the delivery will arrive today from Japan, we will then divvy out and ship them all to retailers and the release date that we post here will be a blanket release date for all the retailers too so it gives them a chance to receive them and we all start selling them at the same time.
@Graham Amazing thanks for the info and apologies as I'm sure you've answered this across the forums hundreds of times. I'm just new to the process and been patiently waiting for this drop to try them out in London since November
@Graham nice, thanks for the update!
plugin-calendar-event-wrapper:start |||IH-888S-21 Restock|||
IH-888S-21 Restock -
Hmmmm, do i have space for another pair in the rotation???
Just got my OD's of this cut in the mail yesterday and first day wearing them. SO SOFT!
I will say this cut compared to the 633 requires thinking about your waist measurements a little different, since these sit so high. They hit a smaller part of the waist. I was really nervous with the size 31', which had a 30.5" true measurement (in the 633 I have 31.2" and they're great), but these could have actually been even tighter and I woulda been alright with the stretch that will come. Just food for thought for someone going with their first pair of 888's!
First pair of 21oz 888s and they're fantastic! I tried getting into the 777s and 666s, but they were incredibly tight on my legs. This cut feels much better. I had concerns that these would be too tight as well, but after a couple hours they have loosened up already and are very comfortable. Thanks again @Alex for the last minute fit advice!
They look perfect!
@Graham thanks! I picked them up at Self Edge, SF. Easily the best damn jeans I've ever had. Thanks @RobeOfTheMagi