One of mine refuses to have any respect for sheets, always goes for the cocoonI’m slowly going to introduce her to sleeping in bed once she has crate and house training down (my wife doesn’t know this). Honestly, she handles both amazingly considering her age and the assessment from the shelter. We saw her online and planned on meeting her but she was adopted while we were on vacation last week and returned after 3 days so we didn’t think she was there. We think they just didn’t pay attention to her and let her roam the house without keeping tabs in her. We’re so lucky they were dumbasses.
Absolutely lovely pair there @Oaktavia
@motojobobo they are adorable
@Oaktavia wow man, your dogs are so cute. CONGRATULATIONS!!
Beauties @Choko ! The natural ears look so much better than the cropped IMO
Thanks man. Yeah the wife and I wanted to keep them natural because we feel it’s too hard on the puppies to crop their ears when they’re 8 weeks old. They have enough to worry about! Haha
@Soleamp my parents have had four over the past 18 years but these are my first ones separately yes. It has been getting better, though still obviously lots of work. The first few weeks were crazy!!! We are taking them on a small hike in the mountains today.
Yours is so cute! Haha looking forward to when mine get bigger.