Thanks Black Orchid - they were our children before we had children, and we always are ready to welcome another pup into our home if it's the right time.
And as Trick Hell pointed out, Pits were Nanny Dogs… Just like ours is:
She always wants to be with us while the kids are up.Sadly, buddy just likes to steal the babies stuff:
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@Appfaff You're awesome for taking in Buddy like that. If you PM me your address I'll mail you a box of homemade dog treats next time we do a big batch for the fosters.
@TrickHell I don't have much experience with Chows, I know they have a reputation for biting kids in the face. I wonder if it's precipitated by the fact they look like teddy bears and the kids are roughhousing with them before the Chow gets comfortable with it.
I do the same thing on Youtube with rotties. Someone would say how they're scared of big black dogs (I don't know why the fur color matters) and I show them videos of Rotties mauling children with their tongues and smiles.
Funny story about Hex and Lia from several months back: when Neener was learning to crawl, Lia would soldier crawl behind her on her belly (cutest thing ever), and Hex decided she needed help and flipped her ass over head. Neener just laughed.
great photo @DougNg - love hearing about people's experiences with their dogs and babies. Mighty kind of you regarding the treats. Daphne and Buddy would very much like that.
I've the worst behaved mutts on the planet. They are Yorkshire Terrier & Maltese "mix" I took from someone so they wouldn't break them up (they are brother & sister from the same litter).
Untrainable, aggressive little so & so . . . but they remind me of my 2 legged kiddies, hahahaha
images in a bit as I just wanted to chime in on the pet convo
Yorkshire Terriers [emoji4]
Respect from a Yorkshire man [emoji106]
Puppy shenanigans - our pup foxy is buried somewhere in the huddle!
We have been given access to a website, by the breeders, where we can view the puppies development over the 8 week period prior to collection which is a great idea. -
@DougNg I have always loved Rotties.. Great dogs.. In the Uk the hated on dog of the moment is the Staffordshire bull terrier, I've never come across a "bad" one.. It's the only dog breed I see repeatedly off a lead, very well behaved, incredibly loyal but very friendly too
That's unfortunate, my dogs quickly become friends with Staffordshires. We have a few of them out here.
Actually, the only breed of dogs my two routinely have issues with are Boxers, because they keep punching them in the face.
It never ceases to amaze me how people always find a new way to be bigots.
I've the worst behaved mutts on the planet. They are Yorkshire Terrier & Maltese "mix" I took from someone so they wouldn't break them up (they are brother & sister from the same litter).
Untrainable, aggressive little so & so . . . but they remind me of my 2 legged kiddies, hahahaha
images in a bit as I just wanted to chime in on the pet convo
We were advised early on not to adopt two from the same litter. They wind up bonding with each other instead of their humans and don't respect people as they get older.
Dude, you cut your hair. You look boring now.
I was tired of it getting in the way of my extracurricular activities.
Bite me.
Brushing hair out of your face while working with compost leads to undesirable results.
Applying a tourniquet to a coworker and having to brush your hair out of your face leads to even less desirable results.