DWC2 - Picture Updates Thread
Truth ^^
Random check in. Sometimes mistimed photos turn out.
Nearly sweatpants soft already.
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Looking good @Megatron1505 ! It's dry and warm here in Colorado, send some of that white stuff this way!
@moto , the white stuff eh? I’ll have to make a few calls and if it gets picked up by the feds you don’t know me. ???
^ the sequel to the blockbuster “Skin Flute”
I couldn’t resist.
Great kit though man.
that’s a better joke than mine
Spent today installing new kitchen cabinets in one of our flips and brought Punk with us. Got my 888-NT back from Rain on Saturday and it feels great having them back.
A few close ups. I'm glad to be in a jean that isn't going too fast for once. I've walked a lot and hiked a bit in these, and they actually seem like the first jeans for me that will have any indigo left at 2 years.
and they actually seem like the first jeans for me that will have any indigo left at 2 years.
^ #humblebrag
and they actually seem like the first jeans for me that will have any indigo left at 2 years.
^ #humblebrag
Lol. Not trying to, and sorry if that came off dickish. It's more a compliment for IH than anything. I'm pretty active and hard on my shit, and I hadn't had IH bottoms until recently. This is the last pair I was wearing after 12 and then 13-14 months, shortly before they blew out massively.
This is the only pair that ever "survived" 2+ years for me. These only made it because my wife put dozens of repairs into them. After that, she basically said that she didn't have much interest in repairing jeans that much again and I should just get a new pair when they're shredded. So, it's nice to have a pair that seems like it might go slower and hold up for two years without total implosion.
Not dickish at all. Plenty of people around here can say they're jealous, me included.