IH-9526PJ - Modified 9526J with Side Pockets
As a recent acquirer of a 9526j, I can attest that the SB Denim makes one heck of an awesome type III - this should be a must-buy for a lot of people!
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I just had an accident in my briefs. Defo purchase! Does it have the same sleeve lengths as the current black 526? Always been too worried that they are too long for me to buy
Also, the 21oz SB is so crispy that it definitely loses some length when the combs form, and they form rather quickly and don’t necessarily “relax” after they have been set. The SB does not have the same “relaxed” characteristics of the normal
Indigo 21oz fabric, so I think you would be good even if they are a bit longSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does it have the same sleeve lengths as the current black 526?
Unless someone screws up big time, then yes. Like it or not, suit it or not, H will always make sleeves long so that when you are on a bike, the cuff will not be around your elbow…..
We will not know defnitively untill we get them here.
I'll still succumb anyway! I get why the sleeves are longer but jacket sleeves do vary across the range. My 526 17oz natural type OUI sleeves were a tad too long, but same label size lefty is my grail jacket. Every dimension is perfect…damn I love that jacket.
I've always wondered exactly what percentage of the euro and US customer base are riders? I guess thats as pointless as asking how many Perfecto leather owners are riders and how many are metal fans!