they look like a pair of futuristic Yuketen Maine Boots!…
True that, and at 300 bones….
I would rather grab Yuketens -
great pick-up.
first string have really been producing some nice sh!t. would argue they are ahead of the pack with nice releases & not breaking-your-bank-pricepoints.
I really dislike that ripple sole on everything
i know dude, its ridiculous. its unfortunate that it seems to be making waves across the fashion industry right now. hope it dies out soon. to each his own, but I think its nonsense.
ripple sole has a deep history, Inventory did a nice little write up about them an issue or so back. with that said i have to admit them (ripple soles) are growing on me & i will be taking the plunge sooner or later . . .
I know they have history, I just think its funny that all of the sudden its fashionable. Its kinda like someone getting a full on smokejumper boot out of fire leather and the silicone vibram 100 and wearing them for upscale coffee and to post pics online of them wearing them. I guess the purpose they were intended to serve is too far from the purpose they are now being used for is my beef. Whatever, Im just a hater at heart, Ill probably own a pair of shoes with the ripple sole by the end of the week haha.
i sort of agree with part of your take SpaceGnome. here is where i don't agree, if all items made where only used for the purpose they were for then we would miss out on alot of great kit. is it a bit ridiculous? yeah it is, but i'm a guy that grew up in NY in the late 80s & early 90s we almost all wore Polo & North Face clothing & Timberland boots & Jordan sneakers.
we used none of those items for their intended purpose & had a damn good time doing it. tbh chuck taylors were made for playing basketball & everyone from burn outs, to skaters, to old dudes, to little kids wear & enjoy them.
You make a good point Monday. Im just hating on it for the sake that I think it looks kind of ridiculous. I think the whole idea of trends in fashion in general is ridiculous, and because Im a hater, when I see trends sweep across the industry , I laugh. The christy sole is one thing, and I have grown to love that sole. This ripple sole just looks terrible in my opinion and its a bit too extreme for me to think my feelings will settle down, but who knows. I saw Viberg start using this sole, and t seems like certain brands are following suit rapidly.
When I say I think fashion is ridiculous, I mean anything thats not classic. I like Iron Heart because its pretty basic, and its benefits lay in its design and quality, not for rocking the fashion industry boat. Im a bit of a traditionalist, so anything outside of my tunnel vision gets hated on, LOL. I dont mean to offend anyone, if you all like this sole, have at it and have my blessing to enjoy
think alot of the people agree with you SpaceGnome & just cause you don't like something it doesn't make you a hater. i just like to give a different perspective from the main-stream-forum folks to rock the boat.
**otherwise it gets boring for me
forgot what the hell they are just know they were from Spring/Summer 2012 First String. . . will edit with name if i ever figure it out.
just putting images as i been too chatty with out any substance as of late.
cold weather joints.
for anyone interested i just picked up a pair of the Converse CTAS Pro skate shoe. It's basically a normal chuck taylor made with tougher canvas, a gum sole, and has a removable nike lunarlon insole. These things are AMAZING. Incredibly comfortable and for anyone who skates and digs classic looking footwear it's a no brainer.
coming soon! they are seriously the most comfortable skate shoe i've ever worn.
year of the snake lows