Gardening, landscaping and plants in general
Got some more work done this weekend - everything is now in final pots or beds except for bee balm, rosemary, echinacea, and lavender I have and plan to plant as foundation plants along a side not seen here
Too hot to manually dig and level the path so I’ll be renting some equipment or doing it slowly over the next few months
My usual waywt backdrop has been undergoing a massive transformation lately. The forest had been closing in on us in a dangerous way, so we had about 30 hundred-foot trees removed. Some of which were death traps on a timer. Stumps ground, yard leveled and seeded. Gardens going up, a new shed and chicken coop, a mini duck pond. A lot to work on but we’re making progress!
@WhiskeySandwich right on, man! Chickens are fun — I had a few 10ish years ago, really enjoyed it.