2018 Edition - Iron Heart WAYWT
If you want bamboo to take over your garden, it will oblige. I’ve planted some on jobs and we had to put root barrier surrounding it 4 feet deep. It still went under and grew out on the other side. Tough stuff. I love me some bamboo
We are having to have a large mature bamboo plant taken out as it has gone crazy. We inherited it when we moved. Bamboo always seem like an attractive idea. They are not.
I’ll have to snap some photos for the 15ft in diameter bamboo fiasco we inherited recently…
Here is a shot of @formulapfaff with a single stalk as we tried (to no avail) to chip Away at if so we could build a proper fence:
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That is a sharp look Flo and you pull it off well mate
Thank you mate! I wasn't sure about the shoe & jacket combo at first.
^is that the Geisha denim 710? They look great.
Yes mate, pretty battered now after wearing for work.
So much epicness on this page today. @mikebarhoot that pic is übercool and funny af.