Ship John
Lol did anyone else try to get a Willis? I kept trying to enter my payment info and it'd say the item was no longer available, so I had to bump to the next order bracket a month later.
Pretty soon it was almost 2023 receipt date and I gave up. I don't want anything that bad. Seems like they tried to fix the problem and just made things way worse, maybe? I'm not sure.
Well, ShipJohn had a pretty good day. Do the math. Lots of someones bought jackets a year or two or more in advance.
Haha yeah, they really must've made a pile. I suppose it's pretty good to look at your schedule and know you're booked solid for a couple years!
I’d like a Willis- forgot about it until 6 whole minutes after the books opened, and they were already at February 2023. Good for them.
I’ve been burned by their POS before, where an item is still in stock until paid for, and it’s not taken out of inventory when you add it to your cart (which seems more equitable to me, but maybe not possible with whatever they use). Might try for one of the monthly offerings, or get Sidnaw Company’s more available take on a heavy waxed canvas jacket. -
I’m really happy I got mine when I did. I contemplated trying to get one with the lining, although I’d be more likely to do it if it was a actual blank lining….
They are currently at sept 2023 damn… as said above they had a good day.
I really would like to go for a colored one like olive but I think that will become even harder to get now. As most people won’t wait 2 years and just try for colored ones
It stands at December 2023. I thought of getting one, but I don't think it is worth the wait for 2 years! May be there is an IH verson of the heavy canvas.
I got in on the pre-order for the april 2022 batch.
I went for a later slot because I figured everyone would be gunning for the 1st slot. I logged in to my profile before they went live and used Apple pay, ordering was done in 30 seconds and very fast this way.
I went ahead and pulled the trigger on one yesterday, that I won't get until 2023. I figured hey, better just do it if I ever want one (I like the color options but I think I prefer the tan on these, just seems to age the best to my eyes).
It'll be cool to totally forget about it then be surprised when it pops up. Plus god knows I have plenty other shit to break in in the meantime. I figure at the end of the day, not being able to get a $500 canvas jacket as quickly as I want is very much a luxury problem.
I somehow still think I would've preferred the original order method, though. Basically if they released a smaller batch yesterday and I lost out, I would've been able to better learn the Shop Pay / Apple Pay workarounds and could've gotten through next time, which likely would've been in a month or two. Instead, basically all the people who didn't know that have to wait two years, haha.
Anyway, though — compared to what other people in the world go through every day, it's a minuscule grievance.
I was there from the first second and all I could get was Sept 2023! That's a long time- I'll just forget about it for a couple years.
If anyone was able to watch the full livestream on Instagram the other day, did they say what the production is per month? 50? 100? At this point, they could just make one thing and forget about everything else and have no issues selling it!
Good suggestion on Apple Pay from those of you who did that. -
Tbh I don't think you're wrong… I've wondered if I'd give it a second look if it weren't as hyped and unobtanium as it is. The FOMO effect is real.
I’ve never seen a wills jacket in the flesh, but I gotta say, I’ve never thought it seemed worth the hassle.
Maybe I should’ve resurrected the unpopular opinions thread for this one…
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I agree @sabergirl and I'm not crazy about the pocket setup-though lt looks like a jacket you can beat on without hurting it
I’ve never seen a wills jacket in the flesh, but I gotta say, I’ve never thought it seemed worth the hassle.
Maybe I should’ve resurrected the unpopular opinions thread for this one…
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I agree @sabergirl and I'm not crazy about the pocket setup-though lt looks like a jacket you can beat on without hurting it
It can definitely take years of abuse and look better and better with time. It’s a great timeless piece of clothing. Definitely my favorite jacket ever… but I can definitely understand that not everyone wants to wear heavy greasy body armor every day lol
Yeah I think the fact that you can really just beat it up and it only gets better looking is the main appealing factor to me.
I got mine a few months ago and I really enjoy it as a chore style coat. It’s so heavy and it’s getting better looking every day.
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Got a V2 Wills ordered for November 2022 delivery.
If I didn’t already own a wills and do a wool Hopkins pre order
so nice!
Received my Hopkins the other day. Hard to capture the color for some reason. First impression: perfect construction, great classic fit, very well thought out pattern. I was a little surprised how lightweight it is though. Definitely expected the wool to be thicker for how expensive the jacket is. Feels like a shirt fabric but with the liner it is warm.