Thought I’d share a “little” souvenir from our travels in Thailand. Partly done the traditional way using bamboo.
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How does the pain of the traditional method match up to the pain of a typical tattoo?
Anthony, I was so into having the traditional method that I felt really relaxed and the tattooist sang most of the time! I almost, I say almost enjoyed it! [emoji6]
For me I found the bamboo marginally less painful than the machine. [emoji4] I’ve heard that’s not always the case though.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@UnTucked I also had a tattoo in Thailand using both machine and bamboo. Imo the bamboo feels more manageable pain wise simply because the skin is being pierced fewer times per second than when using the machine [emoji47]
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Recently finished my Aesops Fables sleeve, courtesy of Joe Frost in Sheffield:
Finished what might be my last tattoo
How does one decide these things? You just get the general sense that you've finished this pursuit? I'm just curious about tattoos in general (I have none and never felt the need to get any).
Finished what might be my last tattoo
Is it a lack of space?
Would of thought Max hasn’t got a lot of room left.
I was due to have my full back done at the beginning of this year. Had everything ready and booked but something changed in my mind and I decided I didn’t want anymore tattoos. Dunno if that will change in the future but right now I am definitely not up for more.
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@tvenuto in fact its just a lack of space. I might do some very small fillers but as hands and neck are not possible for me - I'm done now.
Got a couple new homies
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@tvenuto in fact its just a lack of space. I might do some very small fillers but as hands and neck are not possible for me - I'm done now.
But that are the spots where the fun really starts!
Not technically a tattoo post by I just received my new T-shirt by Jim macAirt
Jim was paramount in introducing Tibetan Buddhism imagery to tattooing in the UK in the 80s and 90s and was Thomas Hooper's teacher. I have been getting tattooed by Thomas since 2003 and thought it was only appropriate to get tattooed by Jim before he retired on his 60th birthday a few years ago. The tattoo I have by Jim was done in his garden shed in his home in Brighton and was an absolutely amazing experience.
Very nice indeed!
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@daynym cool stuff. I got one from marvin last year and hes a very nice guy!
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