Most recent piece, done back in Hawaii. A memento of a darker time in my life, and a song that helped get me through it. 100 fake internet points to anyone who guesses it.
@Brock that's a beautiful piece. They did a phenomenal job on the shading, especially with the clouds. Mad respect for being able to get that done in one shot.
@Brock what a great tribute. RIP Steve-O Johnson 🫡
Thanks everyone I really love it. I was there from 12-6. But it took around 4 hours under the needle. The line work was cake but the last hour of shading I was hating life!
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Just took the wrapping off of this… something of a personal statement on why I'm changing careers soon. Text says "RATS GET FAT / WHILE BRAVE MEN DIE".@Endo "On GP" by Death Grips. Fair warning if you search it up, their music is kind of abrasive. Very much a 'love it or hate it' kinda thing.
First of two blackout sleeve sessions. I wore my right arm sleeve for a decade and now have decided to move on to a second layer. I plan to finish the top half in a month or so and proceed to layer more white ink on top if I can find someone to do it. Absolutely brutal pain wise and my arm is on fire
He used a 39 mag needle which resembles a sharp paint brush 1/2 inch wide. Wore my XHSbb for the
Ooooof. That has got to sting! Looks like a solid job though.
…that's a serious coverup! Black out indeed! :o
Most recent piece, done back in Hawaii. A memento of a darker time in my life, and a song that helped get me through it. 100 fake internet points to anyone who guesses it.
@Brock that's a beautiful piece. They did a phenomenal job on the shading, especially with the clouds. Mad respect for being able to get that done in one shot.
My guess:
Something for the Pain - Bon Jovi
Death Grips - On GP
wow, never heard of Death Grips before… the last 40min of spotify have been quite the ride
How well did the blackout take @Oaktavia ? Nice and solid?
Joining the club with my first tattoo got during a fundraising flash event at my local shop, love a good pun and clean linework
@Joberwocky Love it. But you started near in the ditch of the elbow… you're a braver man than me - I'm totally avoiding that area on my next sleeve.
You should be good because you've gone just under the fold of the elbow, but watch out for the skin folding around that area causing a scab - one of my lines went ever so slightly blobby right in the fold of the elbow.
Get a sheet of Dermalize over that and neat lines like that should be healed in under a week.
Now that you've had one... any ideas for what's next?