In Fitness and in Health
Small changes can lead to big results - well done.
I'm trying to take some weight off at the moment and it's amazing how eating more often can make you lose weight. I've added a 'pre-breakfast' and it's helping me manage my cravings later in the day.
Nice bagley :). No knocking the knock on effects. And what will come from that :).
zwer; next you'll be having second breakfast & elevenses ^__^
Kettle Bells still going well here. Each week noticing very small improvements. Noticing it's helping with my general alignment, which is awesome. In terms of the bells I purchased, I purchased whatever I could get my hands on @ the local sporting good store , they seem pretty close to Doug's original recommendation (no seams under the handle, no welding around the joins etc).
Thanks to all here, you've inspired me to completely change it up. I've been wanting to do something different than the lifting/running I've been doing for 8 years. I'm commiting to Skoggs system alternating with yoga for the next year.
Let me know how you progress either here or via PM. I think you'll be pleased with the results
My son continues to lose inches around his waist and I'm having a lot of fun with his Virtual Skogg workouts. Steven just did a one handed deadlift with an 50lb kettlebell stacked on top of an 80lb kettle bell. Pretty impressive.
I've almost cut all the sugar out of my diet, and it really seems to help with cravings. I'm starting to be more active each day. I'm really interested in DDP yoga.
If you sign up for DDP Yoga's forum or FB page, you can see that losing huge (50+lbs) amounts of weight is not uncommon
We've largely cut out carbs (I'm not a fan of completely cutting out an entire source of nutrition) and that's made a big difference for my wife and son (I'm naturally pretty thin, I actually have to work really hard to put on weight)
Cut out salt a long time ago because of my blood pressure. My wife and son have learned to appreciate their food with less salt in it because of me. They think a lot of food we get at restaurants have too much salt now
That's how I'm feeling about sugar. Everything is so damn sweet. I've really been trying to eat breakfast every day, usually cottage cheese, a piece of fruit, and some Ezekiel toast. That's really helped and I'm using daily burn to log everything. Cutting sugar has really helped control my cravings.
Standing desks are interesting. I alternate between standing and sitting (I have desk of both @ home). I struggle standing after I've had a work-out. When standing I often find it hard to stand straight/still and often catch myself leaning or @ odd angles, which defeats the standing desk…..Hopefully it works out well for you!
Really inspiring progress in here gents.
I'm still swinging the bells, and believe I'm starting to see a tighter core, and more muscle on the arms. Since starting I've hit both cycling and swimming PB's, so it's positively impacting other parts of my life too
Simonc, I've been using a standing desk at work for over a year and feel great. All my back pain is gone, except on really long days. My posture is better overall, and I'm glad I made the switch.
My wife and I just switched to a primal-esque whole foods diet. I've barely had any processed foods and we've both dropped close to 10lbs in the last month or so. I just started back at school so I'm really busy and haven't kept up with the DDP yoga as much as I'd like to which I need to remedy.
JoeSaintJohn, good on you for getting the ezekiel bread, but if you can get rid of the wheat as well as the sugar I think you'll really see some benefits. I'm not gluten intolerant but I'm pretty sure my wife is, and getting off the wheat is helping both of us. She's finally migraine free, sleeps the full night, skin rashes are clearing up, and we're losing weight at a pretty fast pace considering we're barely working out. We occasionally have sugar, but have moved to organic cane sugar for coffee and about 1-2 sodas a week. I used to only drink diet coke all the time and was totally addicted to bread.
all i do to drop some weight is that i´m cutting carbs after 6pm each day, i only eat meals which contain protein and carbs or protein and fat, never eat fat and carbs together (except for breakfast: 2-3slices of whole grain bread with a bit of peanut butter)!!!
I´m trying to go to the gym 2-3times a week (lifting weights + 11minutes of "interval cardio" after each workout), also i try to meet with a friend 2-3times during the week, to play squash (1-2hours) or we go for a short run (30-50min.)…that´s it...should help you to reduce weight and body fat slowly but steady!
I'm signing back up to Carlson Gracies next week, my friends run it and it's been about 6 months since I've done any fighting, they have mixed classes and KB's which i am going to explore. The only I know for sure is I will be hurtin like no other for a while. But you come out of there with zero rage.
^supposed to be a great lifestyle change Paleo
Wife and I just switched to a primal diet - many of the same principles as paleo but dairy is okay… IMO butter, cheese, etc is perfectly healthy in moderation. I wanna get healthier, not go apeshit insane, nahmean? Easier than paleo too as it's not restrictive. Still grain free, which is the main thing that makes the single biggest impact (IMO, of course... YMMV)