In Fitness and in Health
Thank you to everyone who has contributed their workout regimen and plans here and in the GORUCK thread. It seems kettlebells are pretty popular, and I have been curious about them for a while now. After looking through everyone's posts, and watching hours of video on technique, I purchased some CAP kettlebells tonight. I'm really looking forward to giving them a go later this week.
Extra S/O to Doug for all the great advice.
Oh, and same/boring/old pushup routine today.
Since I started working back in the city a little bit a go I've been cycling to work daily. Am back into an hour of cycling a day with a few bursty/steep hills each way. 18 months of commuter cycling, 4 month long distance cycling, and now I'm back to commuter and my legs are rubbish again. Really surprising considering I was riding further and doing more, a different kind of work out I know…..
Enjoying it again, painful getting back into it, but not rushing anything and enjoying the pain as process as much as possible
Skogg dvd's will be here tomorrow until then squat jumps, lateral jumps, tuck jumps, push ups (in later sets on knees) and lunges
I've been doing Skogg (roots and intervals so far) for three weeks and I'm finally getting it. After years of lifting weights it's hard to get used to hip powered swings. Now that I got it its kicking my ass in a good way. Those high pulls are killer! My advice is to work on the swing until you are sure you have it, I jumped right in without having the foundation down cold.
As a matter of interest, Doug, how does that compare to my day?:
All 4 sets
Dumbbell press
Leg press
Military press
Rope tricep extension
Lateral raises -
What I meant is, I'm not sure about what your exercises comprise. So, do my (basic) traditional weigh lifting exercises compare to a typical kettle bell day or am I lacking in things like compound movements?
Trying to figure out if I'm being efficient with my limited exercise time.
Sorry for being so cryptic.
Well, you didn't cover back, biceps or hamstrings
Kettlebells work differently than barbells or dumbells. They move around in your hands, so you work out your supporting muscles more
Also, Tabata doesn't count reps. It goes by time. It's more of a conditioning workout than a strength workout
After the initial Skogg System DVDs, Virtual Skogg breaks down workouts into strength, conditioning and power
Strength is slow twitch, high weight exercise
Conditioning is stamina workouts
Power is plyometrics, explosive power
Sumo yoyo-quads, calves, glutes, biceps and some traps
Alternating suitcase deadlifts-hams, glutes, lower back, flutes
Seesaw bent over rows-upper back, biceps
Seesaw chest press-chest, triceps, shoulders
Yoyo cleans-biceps, shoulders
Seesaw presses-shoulders, triceps
Yoyo tricep extension -tricepsAlso, because all the exercises are alternating, it forces you to work out your core and stabilizers
I recommend this for those who has not seen it:
Interview with Michael Skogg. Starts about 23 minutes in
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Nice timing- I start the Skogg 60 Day Challenge tomorrow. I'm sure this will help motivate me.
I've changed my mind. He's an evil bastard that hates me. Why else would he recommend this:
2. Eliminate sugar from your diet. This means all sugar. Sugar and its effects on your body will be one of the weekly topics, so you will be given our reasoning behind this requirement. In the meantime, read labels. DO NOT use any food products that contain added sugar. Sugar is hidden in many products to make them taste good. Spaghetti sauce, ketchup, salad dressing, protein shakes and bars, desserts etc. all contain unnecessary sugar. Your best bet is to stay away from all processed food. But if you use these products, such as bottled salad dressing, make sure it is sugar free.
3. No alcoholic beverages. Alcohol has the same effect on your body as sugar and is high in empty calories.
I've heard about this concept before…currently looking into it myself
It's working for me