The Mad Red Motherf**ker World Tour.
Also my father-in-law, (who is in his mid 60's and rides a Harley and is a sucker for ANY leather jacket that is any color other than black) fell in LOVE with this one! In-laws are in town for the week and saw me walking out the door with it on yesterday.
Excellent pic with the MRMF to kickstart your turn with it @chrisjohnnick !!
I forgot how fun this is!! [emoji847]
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Hoping this thing fits me but we'll see. Enjoy your time with it, @chrisjohnnick! I can't wait to see what you get into.
Ha it is great! I haven't been as good at taking photos lately, and the last week we had a heat wave and it was too warm to wear. It's back in the cooler temps now, so busted it out this morning and wore it again for the day.
Felt like a goof because I was in a rush to get out the door this morning, and forgot I had a chiropractor appointment in the early afternoon. So showed up wearing a leather jacket, boots, and XHS.
@chrisjohnnick I may be out of line…half of the reason for this tour is to post pictures of our everyday lives wearing items that are on the tour. It's partly to learn about the people who are wearing the item during the time that they have it and also to see how the item evolves with everyday wear in different environments.
Could you try to post more pictures of you and the jacket or please look back and see examples of the posts made by other users?
Noted, will do better. Sorry to disappoint, gents.
Red guitar and a red jacket!
Had some snow late Friday night/Saturday morning. Crazy because this time last week it was in the high 60's or low 70's. Still just enough snow on the ground today to make some snowballs and throw them at the kids.
Spring Break family ice cream date yesterday
Great looking family, @chrisjohnnick
Looks like a good time was had by all!
The Mad Red looks amazing with that Open Road BTW!
A good time was had by all! Definitely rare to get a day off with all of us together and out of the house.
Milo loves it! His current favorite color is red.
@chrisjohnnick Thank you very much for your contributions! I hope that you weren't offended by me calling you out the other day. This is very much in line with what these tours are all about, and you are now doing a fantastic job.