Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion
Alright, gotcha! Thank you for clarifying. I’ve been mega fired up about this since they raised our alert level here in Austin on Friday. I am furious, so please excuse me if I sound like a bit of a bare wire.
Fair enough pal, I think we're all sick to the back teeth of it and getting jab appears to be our best way out of it all. Appears to be working well in the UK at least
Yep it’s working well here too! I’ve known a couple of people who’ve managed to test positive despite being vaxed, either having no symptoms or mild ones. This is the kind of outcome I like to see — I know it’s not going to 100% prevent it, but it’s good to know it does the job of limiting severe symptoms and hospitalization. What scares the shit out of me is not nipping it in the bud before some super resistant mutation develops. Buckle up, I guess!
A buddy of mine is undergoing chemotherapy, its scorched earth purpose is to kill cancer cells (including healthy ones). He is immunocompromised. Can't take any vaccines until his systems get back to "normal".
It's not lost on me that my first reaction when I hear of people not being able to receive the vaccine is to perceive it as some sort of sham. I've witnessed more than a few people claiming such things when its clearly an excuse, as well as reasons they can't wear a mask, etc — it sucks that people like that have made me more than a bit cynical.
That reason above is obviously completely legitimate. Echoing what other people have said previously, I hope that people who can get the vaccine will think of people like your friend. I'm sure your buddy would appreciate it.
A buddy of mine is undergoing chemotherapy, its scorched earth purpose is to kill cancer cells (including healthy ones). He is immunocompromised. Can't take any vaccines until his systems get back to "normal".
…and therefore is reliant on the people around him getting vaccinated and tested to reduce the risk for him getting in contact with the virus.
I am a dentist, have a PhD in medicine and was an army doctor. During the time with the highest number of hospitalized patients we were called back to hospital to get trained at Covid ICU's... just in case things will increase even more.
People were dying there daily back then. Old people, young people, healthy people and people with multiple diseases. A 19 year old top athlete was 11 weeks there. He is now still suffering with post-covid syndrome. There was no fucking therapy the only thing that could be done was giving oxygen. It's been an awful death and a lonely death. Usually no relatives were allowed to get into Covid-19 ICU's. So the last thing you might see when you lie there are not your beloved ones but the light of the laryngoscope. I really really hope we will not get there again in autumn or winter. Therefore anyone who CAN get vaccinated should get the fucking jab. -
A buddy of mine is undergoing chemotherapy, its scorched earth purpose is to kill cancer cells (including healthy ones). He is immunocompromised. Can't take any vaccines until his systems get back to "normal".
…and therefore is reliant on the people around him getting vaccinated and tested to reduce the risk for him getting in contact with the virus.
Therefore anyone who CAN get vaccinated should get the fucking jab.
as are children under 12 who at this point can not get the vaccination. (I have two in the group)
@Chap Jens, thank you for your service as well as the others who have/and are working on the front line!
Thx but I wasn't at the front line, just a view hours training per week. But I saw them there and talked to them, nurses and doctors and I still can not believe what a hard job they did. They should deserve so much respect.
Amen to all of that!!!
^^^ what he said, thank you @Chap
would you say the same to an individual, that for medical/ health reasons, cannot be vaccinated?
People that cannot be vaccinated are exactly the type of people that benefit from those who can be vaccinated choosing to do so. Healthy people should be UNITING together by getting vaccinated and helping those who cannot.
This statement goes back to my question, "would you say the same dividing words to people that cannot be vaccinated for medical/ health reasons" as you would to someone that DECIDES not to get vaccinated.
people that choose not to get vaccinated benefits from people that get vaccinated too, as per what you said. the dividing factor here is the vaccination itself and not the medical/ health reason as to why they can't.
No. Anyone with half a brain isn't going to criticize someone with a medical condition preventing them from getting the vaccination. In fact, people with a medical condition don't get to choose to get it or not. A nurse or doctor is not going to administer the vaccine to someone who is immunocompromised or is at risk of having an adverse reaction to the vaxx.
Herd immunity only works if a massive majority of the herd is immune. The only way a massive majority of the herd can be immune is if all of those eligible to get the vaccine get it. This would exclude children and people with pre-existing medical conditions (i.e. the people that do not have a choice whether they get the vaccine or not). This does not exclude those that CHOOSE to not get the vaccination for their own selfish, inconsiderate reasons.
funny how everyone who chooses not to get it is selfish, inconsiderate, egotistic or an idiot according to you lot.
If we want to encourage people to get it then people need to be engaged as equal human beings and have their concerns discussed . Not everyone is a anti-vax conspiracy theoristI find pro vax people equally if not more pushy and judgemental than the anti I have come across.
I am done with this thread
…@spitfiredealer Amen! I'll follow suit.
I'm not quite sure what engagement you need if it hasn't worked so far. It's not like we started out being pissed off about you not getting it — IIRC there's been plenty of thoughtful encouragement.
A person deciding not to get a COVID vaccine, regardless of ones reason for choosing not to, puts all of those around them at risk. There is no single or combination of concerns against being vaccinated that outweigh the benefits of being vaccinated. It is ultimately a careless, selfish, and inconsiderate decision that not only impacts the individual but all of those they come into contact with, and ultimately all of society.
No one should ever be sorry for passing judgement on an individual that makes such a harmful decision.