Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion
[mention]twin [/mention] Richard, in the short time we met in Philadelphia you were so warm and kind to everyone. Your father (and I’m sure your mother) must have made that a priority for you and your brother. I know he will rest well knowing that you and your twin are continuing to be great people. May you be happy, healthy, and strong!
This is so kind of you @Fadez . We have always been good to people. I think it is from being a twin.
And it comes as no surprise that the local fuckwits in my area have gleaned us this unwanted accolade ::)
I was just having some pizza and I was thinking, "wow, this is the blandest pizza ever" then it occurred to me that I probably have the rona again for the 3rd time now.
Man, I sure hope not. Never heard of the Covid hat trick before.
I think I am alright.
Man, that paperwork that they make you sign is terrifying!
Probably the same thing your parents signed when you were a kid, and the same as I signed for my kids. CYA!
Congrats on the vaccine, though. May it shield you, and those around you, well.
Probably the same thing your parents signed when you were a kid, and the same as I signed for my kids. CYA!
Congrats on the vaccine, though. May it shield you, and those around you, well.
Ain't that the truth!
I told my brother the same thing and he said "Clearly you haven't read Apple's terms and conditions recently." LOL
And thanks for the congrats! My wife is nervous about this particular vaccine but the kids are going back to school soon and I need to go back to working in the office soon. It's this or the risk of Covid.
We're having an outbreak in Melbourne at the moment. It's still small, five cases overnight, but the state of Victoria has been locked down.
However, it's also meant that the age at which people can get a Covid vaccine has dropped from fifty to forty, so I now qualify. Furthermore, due to the risks of blood clots, anyone under fifty is being offered the more effective Pfizer vaccine.
So, yesterday I drove about 60 km / 40 miles to the local vaccination hub, and got my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. I have to go back again in three weeks for the second. I felt a bit ill yesterday, but I'm okay today. I hear it's the next one that has the side effects.
Australia has messed up its vaccination programme, and I wasn't expecting to be eligible for another five or six months, so when the option came up I took it. Especially when I read an article by an epidemiologist who reckoned that the country has been lucky to avoid a major outbreak so far, but the chances are it will happen.
Australia has messed up its vaccination programme,
So has Canada! My first shot (Pfizer) was yesterday and my wife’s was on Wednesday and we are extremely grateful knowing that not everyone has had the same opportunity. Our second shots are scheduled for September and that’s not even guaranteed, or the possibility that your second dose will be the same vaccine as the first.
I know not to venture into politics on the forum, but I will say that our Country and Province could be better run by a group of 5 year olds. I could rant for hours on how many things have been continuously screwed up.
You could probably make similar comments about the federal (or national) government here. I think that the states have been more effective.
I believe that Australia backed AstraZeneca initially, because there was the possibility of manufacturing it over here. It's still the mainstay for the over fifty cohort, but medical opinion seems to be that the risk of blood clots in younger age groups makes it less attractive. So they changed horses…
I also suspect that preventing the pandemic through lockdowns and closing the borders has meant that we're a bit too relaxed about the risk of a major outbreak.
It's not perfect, though. Hotels are being used for quarantine, the suspicion being it's to keep the hospitality industry afloat, and the infection can spread through ventilation systems. Then they use minimum wage security guards, who either aren't properly disciplined or have to work a second job to make ends meet, so have been a weak link on a few occasions.
Those who got their first shot with AZ in Ontario, Canada just got a double whammy today :-X. We have a bunch of vaccines that are due to expire on May 31. The health department just approved to extend the expiry by a month to July 1. Despite being seen as an "inferior" vaccine, we are now giving "expired" vaccines as a second shot…..