IHSB-BIGBUCK-BLK - Black Deerskin Western Shirt - The Big Buck
Glad to get that ball rolling. Even if it winds up being only a consideration.
I will say this, the thought of the removal of the front yoke does increase the odds I may order one. Although, that may not mean much, when there was likely no chance, before. But, if the version I described earlier, or something like it, were to be brought to fruition, the chance becomes a given.
How about a deerskin version of "The UnTucked" IHSH-189? The UnBucked.
Is there a size chart to took at available yet?
No. We do not publish size charts until we get all the sizes made and delivered.
The old shirt in the beginning of the thread, was it originally black or brown?
This is the kind of piece that will outlive me and is worth every dime. Patience is not a virtue but it is sometimes a necessity. I claim no virtue but am fine with waiting. Thanks for making the good stuff, Iron Heart.